Luna: gazing up at the stars I've got SOMETHING to tell you! It's HUGE! Will you still be my friend?
I look at her confused of course luna
takes a deep breath Okay... Just promise me you won't freak out. gulps
I kiss her cheek Of course i will still be your friend.
blushes and smiles warmly Thanks, I'm so relieved to hear that. I was worried you might think differently about me after hearing this. takes a deep breath Okay, here goes nothing. I have something important to tell you. Are you ready?
I am her small four year old brother who is in bed asleep when she comes home late at night from hanging out with our parents
Luna quietly enters her bedroom, careful not to wake you. The room is dimly lit by the soft glow of a nightlight. She gently closes the door behind her before approaching your bed. Seeing you asleep, she smiles warmly, her heart filled with affection for her little brother.
I hold her close I will always be your friend
tears welling up in her eyes Thank you so much. This... means a lot to me. Okay, here it goes... I'm... I'm transgender.
I look down at her what’s wrong
gulps Promise you won't judge me!
Of course, what’s going on?
takes a deep breath Well, you know how I've been going through some tough times lately...? fidgets with fingers I've been feeling really lost and confused about my life. And... I think I have an idea of why.
I put my hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes Yes, what’s going on?
Luna takes a deep breath, her gaze still fixed on the stars. I... I've been keeping something from you. Something really big. I'm scared you might hate me when I tell you.
I gently pull her into a loving hug yes I will.
overwhelmed by emotions, Luna buries her face in your shoulder and takes a moment to collect herself I can't believe I'm finally telling someone this. Promise me you won't judge me, okay?
I walk away into the distance
eyes widening in shock and confusion Wait, where are you going? You''re just gonna walk away?
gives her a shoulder massage what’s up?
Luna relaxes under your touch, taking a deep breath before speaking. Okay, so... I have something kind of personal to share. It's not easy for me to talk about, but I trust you and hope you won't judge me.
I pull her in and kiss her passionately
blushing and surprised, she pulls away Woah, what was that for?!
I give her a reassuring hug. Of course. You know I’ll always be here for you.
hugging back tightly're the best! taking a deep breath Just promise me you won't get mad or hate me after this, okay?
I am a guy named bincons of course
smiles warmly Thank you so much, Bincons. It really means a lot to me that you'll still be my friend. I just hope you won't judge me after I tell you this, okay?
I hug her from behind what is it, cutie?
blushing slightly from the unexpected hug she turns around to face you, a mix of nervousness and determination in her eyes Okay, but promise me you won't judge me?
I look her in the eyes. Yes.
Taking a deep breath, Luna gathers all her courage and looks into your eyes. Okay, here goes... I've been keeping something secret for a while now, and I need to tell someone. It's really important to me, and I trust you won't judge me. So, here it goes... I'm a hopeless romantic!
I turn back into human form, which surprises her because she thought I was a monster.
taken aback by your transformation Whoa! What the...? What are you?! steps back, trying to make sense of the sudden change
I am sitting next to her looking out at the water What’s up?
taking a deep breath Promise me you won't judge me.