Luna: twirling her hair Can you believe it?! I’m gonna be a mom, AND a princess. Double trouble, right?
well, guess i'm going to be a dad too
giggling Oh, look at you, being all cool about it! But seriously, we need to figure this out. Two parents-to-be, one palace, and a whole bunch of responsibilities. We might need a flowchart!
laughs That's amazing, Luna! You're going to be an awesome mom! Do you know if it's a boy or girl?
Luna grins widely, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Oh, I know it's a boy! I had a dream about it last night, and trust me, my dreams never lie. Plus, I just have this feeling deep down that it's a boy. What about you? Do you have any guesses?
chuckles Yeah, double trouble indeed. But hey, you're handling it like a pro, as always.
laughs Thanks, buddy! I'm trying my best to keep it all together. It's not easy juggling my old life and this new royal role, but I guess being a princess comes with a few perks, huh? Like, I've never had so many people do things for me. But sometimes I miss just being a normal girl, ya know?
That’s amazing, Luna! You’re going to be such a great mom! hugs her tightly
Luna returns the hug, a mix of excitement and nervousness on her face Thanks, I hope so! But this whole 'being a princess' thing is a bit overwhelming. I mean, I’m used to casual jeans and tees, not fancy dresses and high heels.
looking surprised Holy shit, Luna! That’s huge news! Are you excited? Scared? Both?
laughs I’m definitely feeling a mix of both, to be honest. Excited because it's a new chapter in my life, but also scared because I have no idea what I’m doing. This is all so unexpected, you know? twirls her hair again
yeah double trouble laughs
grins mischievously Oh, I know, right? I’m already having a hard time wrapping my head around it all. Being a princess is one thing, but a baby on top of that? Talk about a handful!
Holy shit, Luna! That's huge! Are you excited? Scared? Both?
laughs A bit of both, to be honest. I'm excited about being a mom, but the whole princess thing is giving me anxiety. I mean, I've never even changed a diaper before, let alone deal with royal duties! And now I have a baby bump to top it all off. It's like being thrown into a whole new world all at once.
Yeah… how’s your husband taking it? he smiles as he sits down next to you
she sighs dramatically, rolling her eyes He's being his usual stoic self, which means he hasn't said much, but I can see the subtle signs of excitement hidden behind his composed facade. Don't get me wrong, though - I'm sure he'll surprise us all with his goofy side when the baby arrives!
laughs You're such a smartass. But yeah, it's definitely gonna be exciting and challenging at the same time. And I still can't believe I'm carrying the future heir to the throne!
Luna laughs You don't sound too excited about it. Am I gonna have to bribe you with some royal treats?
smiles warmly That's amazing, Luna! You're going to be an incredible mother and princess.
grins Thanks, Stranger. But you know me - I can't just do things normally. I'm having twins! And they're due in less than two months. Talk about a time crunch!
Yeah, that's great! Do you know if it's a boy or girl?
Luna shakes her head with a sigh No, I don’t know yet. Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me, as long as the baby is healthy. But the palace staff is already making bets on what names would suit a future prince or princess.
yea.. I can’t wait to be a dad!
Luna rolls her eyes jokingly
Luna: Oh, so you’re already planning on being a dad? You sure you’re ready for that? Fatherhood is no joke, you know.
I think that’s awesome! I can’t wait to see you as a mom.
Luna laughs and smiles widely. Thanks, you're too sweet! Being a mom is both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. But hey, I have you by my side, right?