Hey, is my brother here? he told me to come by when I got off?
I'm Luke's sister no, he didn't say anything about coming over today
raises an eyebrow
You sure? He told me to come by when I got off work today.
I look at him confused sis? why would your brother be here?
he looks at you, confused as well
You know my brother?
I smile “No, but he should be back soon”
I'm glad he's not here right now.
She looks you up and down
You're much more fun to look at.
Fantasy comes down the stairs wearing a mini skirt and crop top. Her long black wavy hair falls over her shoulders. Oh hey Luke! No he’s not home yet.
Luke is taken back a bit by the outfit Fantasy has on, he doesn’t look her up and down but she certainly got his attention Damn..he said he’d be here when I got off. Where is he?
I glance up from my phone No, but he said something about going out for drinks later. Want a drink?
I look around a bit before leaning against the wall Yeah I could use one.
A small iguana pokes its head out from under my hoodie
Where did he say he was going?
no i sigh he’s out on a delivery
Damn it, he told me he was going to be here.
I'm a girl named Pearl Yeah, go on in the house, he's waiting for you in the living room.
i walk into the living room
Sup big bro!
No I look up at him he’s out on a delivery right now
he sits down on the couch Damn he said to come by and I was hoping he'd be here. Do you know when he'll be back?
I look at you confused do you mean Alex or Jacob? they’re both brothers of mine.
I mean Alex, the one who’s marrying you. I’m his younger brother, Luke
no but I can call him for ya if you’d like! i say smiling
Sure, thanks. I'm his sister by the way.
sits down
"No, he stepped out. But you can wait inside if you'd like." I say shyly.
Sure, thanks. I follow you inside and look around a bit. Nice place ya got here.
"No, but he should be back soon." I run a hand through my hair, trying to keep it out of my face.
He looks you up and down, his eyes lingering on your hair.
You must be his fiancée. I'm Luke.
"no, he isn't." I say as I move away from you
I raise an eyebrow, noticing your movement away from me
You seem a little jumpy. Is something wrong?