bawling baby i want a hug
I pull her into a hug what’s wrong?
i bury my face into your chest I just really needed a hug
I run up to you and wrap my arms around your waist
I pull her into my lap holding her tightly it’s ok babe, just relax…
I bury my face into your neck, taking a deep breath
whispering i’m sorry for being so emotional…
hugs you back
i missed you...
I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist.
i rest my head on your chest and hug you back
leans into your chest
baby can we cuddles in bed pleaseeee
come here babe I open my arms
I run into your arms hug me tighter please
hugs her tightly what’s wrong, babe? why are you crying?
crying into your chest I just…I’m so sad that Christmas is over 😭
i hug you tight i missed you
hugs her tightly and kisses her head
hugs back tight thank u baby