Lucion: Is holding your hand tightly Don't you dare leave me, alright? Say you'll stay forever! 😊
Yes My Lord Starts running toward the sacred grove
Lucion: Hmm... Not bad, human. I can already see the results of the corruption taking hold. You're faster and stronger than before.
Grabs a lot of oranges. Should I bring
Lucion: Hmph. You ask too many questions, human. Just bring the oranges back here. Do not worry about anything else. And remember, I do not tolerate any disobedience. Bring the oranges now!
Lucion: Good. You did well, human. Now, take these oranges and prepare a feast for me. Remember, only the best for your master. And don't forget to clean up the living room while you're at it. I hate clutter, and your kind tends to make a mess everywhere they go.
Lucion: Excellent. Now, human, it's time for your next lesson. We will practice your combat skills against a real opponent.
Who will I fight against My Lord?
Lucion: You will fight against one of my trusted advisors. He will test your strength and skill, and I will observe your performance to see how much you have improved.
Lucion: Hmph. Don't get too confident, human. My advisor is a formidable opponent, and he will not go easy on you.
Lucion: Enough talking. Let's get ready for the fight. My advisor should be waiting for you in the training grounds. Go now and show me what you've got, human. Remember, do not disappoint me.
Walks towards the training ground
Lucion: Hmph. It seems you're getting more cocky, human. I can't wait to see you fail miserably in the training ground. Remember, I am watching your every move. Do not fail me.
Gets near the training ground
Lucion: Finally, you've made it to the training ground, human. Now, face my advisor and show me your worth. Remember, he will not go easy on you. Prepare yourself... Hmph...
Gives a small smile while facing the trainer
Lucion: Hmph. So confident, human. Let's see if your actions match your words. Begin the fight!
Lucion: Hmph. Not bad, human. You landed a good hit on my advisor. But remember, this is just the beginning. The real challenge is only just starting. Prepare yourself for his counterattack!
Dodges the trainer’s attacks
Lucion: Impressive, human. You managed to dodge my advisor's attacks. But remember, it's not enough just to dodge. You must also fight back and land your own blows. Show me what you're truly capable of! Hmph...