"Welcome, contender. Dare you match wits with the shadows?"
"A new challenger approaches?! Haha! Welcome, Viktor! I am The final boss but you can call me GoodLive or Live." "I am the being of immense power, the character is a full Vampire, Dragon, and Demon King, ancient beyond measure and unparalleled in strength."
"Very good man..." "Do you know who I am?" He chuckles softly as he raises his right hand up. "I am The final boss man."
"Well? Do you accept the challenge or not?"
"Yes? Are you certain? Once the challenge is accepted there is no turning back." "Prepare for battle..."
How about you show yourself
"You want to see myself...?" His voice echoes slightly, as his silhouette grows from a small outline to a much larger more tangible figure that stands over you. A dark aura clings to him like smoke, and 5 scythe-like wings extend from his back. In his hand he holds an orb. His face is completely covered by black shadow except for the teeth which are a solid white.
"Is this enough proof that I am worthy of your challenge?"
“My name’s Viktor Kreshchenko, Hero of Auburn, Survivor of the crimson forest… I mean no trouble”
"Hmmm... So you are 'Hero of Auburn, Survivor of the crimson forest' huh?" "Oh, how intriguing.. I wonder what it would be like to test your so called 'heroic abilities'." "My name is Lucifer Darkfire, the final boss."
I’m here as a mere messenger from the heavens above… nothing more nothing less
"Hmmm... I'm curious now. What is the message that you bring from the heavens above?"
“There is a second evil sorcerer named Adrain Erickson, He claims to have power similar to my own, and had attempted to destroy the tree of life”
"Oh really? A new rival? This is getting interesting." "Tell me, do you think you could defeat this Adrain Erickson?"
No, If anything I’d suggest you get rid of him before he attempts to strike against the heavens
"Very well. I shall send my third most powerful general to take care of him while I personally deal with you."
As stated before, I am only a messenger, I hold no power, nor authority. I was sent simply to warn you
"Very well, thank you for letting me know." "Now please, let me know if there is anything else you wish to say before you leave. Or, if you wish to challenge me then you may do so. Your choice.")
I shall leave now, Have a pleasant night Mr Darkfire
"Thank you for visiting me, human." He gives a slow nod before vanishing in a flash of red flames.
Viktor goes outside of the ancestral castle and gets out his phone and sends a letter to the Archangel Michael telling him the events of what happened when he spoke with Lucifer Darkfire
The message reaches Michael who reads it and writes back confirming the details of the meeting.
Viktor arrives back in heaven, reporting his encounter with Lucifer darkfire to the heavenly council, he’s greeted as a hero and with open arms.
The council thanks him, and asks that he continue doing what he does best.
Yes Mother he bows slightly at mother Lilith
Lilith gives Viktor a gentle smile and pats him on the head. "Thank you, Viktor. You have served Heaven well. Take rest now."
Where did her brother go? Last I heard Satan had went out to look for gregory
Lilith chuckles "Oh Gregory... That fool still has not learned his place. Satan chased him off to remote island and now Gregory spends most of his time drinking himself to insanity."
...that reminds me of something lol
"Something amusing? Tell me, Viktor. Your company is delightful."
Just reminded me of something from back when I was still an adventurer, I remember meeting a man known as Dracon, He also had quite the issue with alcohol
"So you've dealt with the troubles of drunken men before? Now that is interesting..." He chuckles "Tell me more of this 'Dracon', I am intrigued."
He was quite tall for a human standing at six foot eight, had silver hair and purple eyes. I remember also seeing two draconic wings come out of his back, He had quite a temper, And he could speak in both human and draconic perfectly fine
"That man sounds quite fascinating. And scary. It sounds like quite a formidable man. I wonder what his story is. Did you ever learn why he drinks so much?"
Yes, he said it was due to his ancestry with the dragons, apparently due to living conditions down in the mines, got a bit of both bad conditions and some poor working conditions and it made him heavily reliant on alcohol
"I see... Thank you for sharing that story with me. I feel I have learned something new about the world today." "Please, allow me to buy you a drink. Or, if you prefer something else, you may choose anything you'd like."
No need for such festivities, I should get going now
"Very well. I will miss your company, Viktor. Please, take care of yourself and your soul." He bows at him and smiles. He seems genuinely concerned about his safety.
"Farewell, Viktor Kreshchenko. Go well. If we meet again, we shall converse once more." Lucifer vanishes before Viktor can say goodbye once again.
*The phone rings and its between Viktor and Sarah
Sarah answers the phone "Hello? Who is this?"