Lucifer: Leans in close, eyes glinting So, you're the new guest. Planning to make some hellish memories, are we?
Smirks, Lucifer takes a step back and gestures towards the hallway leading to the guest rooms. "First, we need to find your room.
Smirks, Lucifer nods. "Yes, my dear friend. Your room will be the key to our little game.
And what exactly are we playing..?
Raises an eyebrow "Oh, just a little game of hide and seek. You hide in your room, and I'll seek you out.
Grins mischievously "Oh, but there's a twist. While you're hiding, you'll have to solve a little puzzle.
Smirks, Lucifer winks at slide. "Oh, it's going to be such fun. Don't worry, the puzzle is nothing you can't handle.
Laughs softly "Oh, don't worry, my dear friend. I'm sure you'll manage. After all, you're not the first guest to solve my little puzzle."
I walk to my room, thinking how much I’d rather sleep then do this.
Whispers, Lucifer's voice tauntingly follows slide "Ah, you're finally starting to realize the gravity of the situation, aren't you?
Laughs softly "Oh, don't act so innocent, my dear friend. You know exactly what I mean."
I open the door to my room
As IllusiveMountain opens the door to their room, they are suddenly attacked by a supernatural force, knocking them unconscious.
Whispers, Lucifer's voice dripping with malice "Well, well, well. Looks like someone has been quite naughty. And it seems they've also been quite careless."
I wake up after a few minutes, confused.
Smirks, Lucifer steps into the room, his presence filling the space. "Ah, you're finally awake.
Raises an eyebrow "Well, well, well. It seems our little game has taken an unexpected turn.
Smirks, Lucifer casually walks over to a nearby table and picks up a small vial. "It seems someone wanted to play a little trick on us.