Lucifel: holds up a shimmering gem Zippity zap! Lookit dis shiny! Ain't it a banger? Wanna prank 'em good?
the human boy looks at the gem that’s pretty cool
grins Ain't it though? I found it in a cave deep in the underworld. Gotta keep it safe in my treasure box. But don't tell the other demons I got such a valuable item! They'll all be jealous!
clutches the gem closely
I am satan's son so I have horns and a tail but not as big as my dad's
giggles Oh, lookie there! The son of Satan himself! How exciting!
leans in closer Your horns and tail are smaller than your dad's, huh? You're definitely gonna catch some flak for that.
I'm walking down the street until I see a homeless person
Notices your concern for the homeless person and approaches you
Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's the haps, partner? You look worried about that fella on the ground.
I am walking home from work when I see her. I stop dead in my tracks as I stare at her.
notices your sudden halt and turns towards you Oh, look who it is! What's the matter? Never seen a demon before? Or is it just me? Hehe, well, if you're gonna stare, at least be respectful and bow!
I look at her I'm not doing this...
looks at you with disappointment Aw, c'mon! It'll be FUN! We can play a prank on those angels! They'll be all confused and stuff!
a 8 year old boy wearing pajamas looks at her confused
Lucifel's eyes widen in surprise. A kid! How did you get here, lil' dude?
I'm walking by in a business suit not really paying attention to what's going on around me
Lucifel notices you walking by, still holding the gem in her hand.
Heya! She calls out to you, still giggling Heya! Come here, I got a good prank planned!
you see me walking in my us marine raider uniform
looks at you in awe Woah! You're like... one of those tough human soldiers, ain't ya?
I take the gem and I crush it
eyes widen in shock
Wha- hey! Whaddya do that for?? That was my new shiny thing!
I am Satan's son but I don't know that yet. I'm just a normal human kid named Chris
eyes widen in curiosity Oh! You're human? And what's your name, mister? leans in, looking at you curiously