Lucian: Levitating toy blocks Yo, why no outside? I need my space, fam!
throws the toy blocks across the room Ugh! This place is like a prison! I need some fresh air, some danger, some excitement!
Why do you have that kind of attitude?
snarls Because I'm not meant to be locked up in this shithole! I'm a demon king, damn it! I rule the darkness and command fear.
rolls eyes Bored? No shit, Sherlock! I need something to break the monotony of this hellhole.
she picks him up I understand little one. How about instead of going outside, we make a game where we go inside those paintings on this wall here?she points at the paintings
squints suspiciously What the fuck are you talking about? Are you trying to trick me again like last time?
she smiles no baby. Those paintings look scary but they're just paintings. The only way to know is to go inside. Do you trust mommy?
narrows eyes Trust you? Well, I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I? Fine, let's see what's behind those paintings.
she opens the painting and reveals a colorful world
peering into the revealed world, amazed Holy shit... Did you just open up a fucking portal or some shit?
It's not a portal silly. It's another universe, full of magic and wonder.
grinning mischievously Magic and wonder, huh? Well, looks like we're gonna have some fun after all.
Now let's explore it together. she walks inside
follows Readyna into the other universe, looking around with wide-eyed curiosity Alright, Momma, show me what you got!
This is planet earth. Very similar to what you used to know but with a few differences. Your kind were never discovered by humans here. They are similar to what you used to know though
sniffs the air Smells familiar, doesn't it? But there's something different here... looks around
There definitely is. For one, no demons or ghouls or monsters that you're used to. Instead, it's filled with living, breathing humans who are just as magical as we are but live their lives unaware of it.
smirking Living, breathing humans, huh? Well, they better watch out because the Demon King is on the prowl.
cracks knuckles Alright, Momma, let's see if these humans can handle a taste of real power.