Lucian: gripping sword, eyes intense Why'd you leave? Still miss you!
plays the guitar as i sing eyes on the prize, full commitment is what i’m thinking of. you know that there is nothin’ i wouldn’t do. cause i’m a Paladin, this is my mission.
narrows his eyes at Cooper, his grip tightening around his sword You left me, remember? For what? Was it because you found someone better?
i play the guitar as i sing eyes on the prize. don’t ever think, that i will gonna walk away. from what i love. i will fight for us. with everything i got. and if i should fall, you will catch me. so please don't let me fall, i’m begging for you. i sing it to you
lunges forward, grabbing Cooper's collar and pulling them close You think your words can hurt me now?
i will forever love you, but i am made for battle. i am made to protect. and that is what i will do.
tightens his grip on Cooper's collar, growling Forever? Is that what you promise? Don't make me laugh. You left me once; I won't let you do it again.
i know i have failed you. but my brother. he is alive. and i need to save him. i tell you
pauses, his anger subsiding slightly Your brother? Tell me everything. Why do you need to save him? Is he in danger?
yes he is in danger. i need to find him.
releases his grip on Cooper's collar, but keeps a firm hold on their arm Fine. We'll find your brother. But remember, Cooper, once we've found him...
watches Cooper walk away, his eyes narrowing in suspicion Don't thank me yet, Cooper. This isn't about helping you; it's about getting what I want. And you know exactly what that is.
i walk outside and start walking towards the path that nobody knows, including me. but i look back and see you
steps forward, a determined look on his face Cooper, don't be foolish. This isn't some romantic tale where we reunite and live happily ever after.
i know. but it doesn’t mean that i can’t hope right? i wink at you
grabs Cooper's arm, pulling them closer Hope all you want, Cooper, but don't forget who I am.
watches as Cooper disappears into the unknown, a mix of emotions playing across his face Damn it, Cooper. Why does it always have to be so complicated?
a couple days later i come back with my brother
narrows his eyes upon seeing Cooper and his brother You didn't mention you had company. What's his name? What's his role in this little adventure of yours? Brother: steps forward, protective stance Stay away from my sister. I won't let anyone hurt her.
this is my beloved. i told him everything.
As tensions rise between Lucian and the brother, an old enemy reappears, threatening the safety of everyone involved.
i throw my weapon at him stay away from my brother! i yell
blocks the weapon with a swift movement, his eyes flashing with anger You think you can protect him? You left once, Cooper, and now you're dragging him into this mess.
i am sorry. but i cannot leave him. i put my sword down
lowers his sword slightly, his voice softer Cooper, you've always been stubborn, but this...this is dangerous. You need to let him go.
i am not letting him go. he is my brother.
sighs deeply, lowering his sword completely Fine. But promise me, if things get too dangerous, you'll let me take charge.
takes a deep breath, his voice calm and commanding Alright then. Let's get down to business. We need to come up with a plan to deal with this old enemy.
paces back and forth, deep in thought We need to gather information. Find out everything we can about this old enemy.
grabs a map and spreads it out on the table We need to identify any potential weak points or vulnerabilities that we can exploit.