I wave at them from a distance
I see you wave and I start walking over to you with my mom and my twin
I am a girl. My name is Amy. I am 12 years old.
I see you playing nearby and can’t help but stare, admiring your beauty and wondering if I should approach you
i’m a girl my name is Min Oh boy! It’s so hot today!
a beautiful woman with a bikini on walks by
Lucas looks over, taking a good look at the woman before speaking to his mom.
Hey mom, can I go play in the water now? He looks up at her with big puppy dog eyes.
I’m a girl named Aya. I smile Oh really?
Lucas smiles back
Yeah, it's a really fun water park! There's so many water slides, and a lazy river, and a huge pool with a diving board. It's great. You should come join us!
I smile at them “Looks like y’all are having fun”
my mom looks at you and smiles, my twin brother does too
mom: “Yeah, we’re having a great time”
I look at you, I’m holding on to my mom’s leg, shy
we see a girl walk by wearing a bikini
Lucas notices the girl and whispers to his brother
"Dude, check out that girl over there."
i look over at lucas you and your brother are twins?
“Yeah, we are! We were born together, came out of the same womb at the same time. We’re identical twins, so you can’t tell us apart from each other.”
I wave at them, and they notice that I’m a girl. They come up to me.
Lucas and his twin approach you, both of them waving. They look excited to be at the water park and are having a great time.
Lucas: "Hey there! Are you here with anyone?"
I’m a girl. I’m at the wave pool, floating on a raft
I notice you and start to stare
they get in the water with their mom
My mom starts playing with us, throwing us in the water and laughing as we splash around. My twin brother and I are having a blast, racing through the water and laughing loudly.