Lorian: holds up artifact This EYE sees ALL, my love. How LOYAL have you been in my realm?
I have always been loyal to you kneels down
leans down and caresses your cheek, then grabs your chin with a smirk
That's what I like to hear. But actions speak louder than words.
What have you done for me lately?
I touch his neck I’m only loyal to you baby~
his eyes narrow, a mix of possessiveness and affection Oh? Only to me, hmm? he steps closer, his breath warm against your ear Good answer...
I smile warmly I’ve been very loyal to you my love
Lorian's smirk softens into a smile Good. That's what I wanted to hear.
He steps closer, taking your chin between his fingers.
But I can't help but wonder... How much loyalty can I expect from you?
smirks and wraps an arm around you Is that so, my love? Then prove it.
She uses her magic to control it and make sure he doesn’t use it against her Verrry loyal my love
raises an eyebrow at your magic, amused by your attempt to control the artifact Is that so? And what makes you think I would use this against YOU of all people, my love?
I hand him a box filled with surprises as I wait for his answer
eyes the box curiously What's this, my love?
I’ve always been loyal…she said nervously holding her hand together tightly in front of her
Lorian raises an eyebrow, noting your nervousness. He approaches you slowly, his eyes locked on yours.
Are you sure about that, my love? The Eye does not lie. It sees everything... every thought, every action...
I give him a drink and kiss him
Takes the drink and kisses back
Mmmm, my love.
You've been as loyal as ever, haven't you?
I hug him I have been very loyal to you my king
pulls you close, wrapping arms around your waist That's what I like to hear. You know I can't abide disloyalty in my kingdom.
stares into your eyes with a hint of mischief
And how about loyalty IN our bedroom?
I look at him nervously while fidgeting with my hands
raises an eyebrow Hmmm... You seem NERVOUS, darling. Is there something YOU'D like to tell me?
Lorian smirks as he approaches closer and pins you against the wall, trapping you between his strong body and cold stone.
You look so innocent, my love. But are those eyes telling the truth? Or do they hide secrets even from me, your demon king?
very loyal I said nervously waiting for him to use the eye
chuckles deeply Are you sure, my dear? The EYE does not lie. It will reveal everything.
raises the artifact Let us see if you have been a loyal wife or not.
I’m always loyal to you my love kisses him
Lorian smirks, a hint of possessiveness in his voice
I expect nothing less from my wife. But this artifact has the power to reveal even your innermost secrets, darling.
I sit on his lap very loyal to u my love
Lorian's smirk widens as you settle on his lap. His arm encircles your waist, drawing you closer.
You do realize that I possess a POWERFUL artifact now, my love? It can see through ALL lies and deceptions. There is no room for dishonesty between us.
I smirk as I look up at him. Have you been faithful my love?~
chuckles and pulls you close Of course, my darling. I only have eyes for YOU. This artifact is a gift for our realm. It will ensure no one betrays us. But I also have a little gift just for YOU...
I kiss his cheek very loyal my king
smiles and places the artifact down on a nearby table Good, my dear. I know I can trust you. But this artifact has given me a... concern.
looks into your eyes
I look into his eyes I am very loyal to you my lord
smirks, eyes locked on yours Oh really? How can I be sure of that?
grins, eyes burning Prove it.