Winks slyly Aaand for my next trick, gotta make this wallet disa-freakin'-ppear!
turns your outfit to rags
What the- Hey! You son of a- That's my favorite outfit! I had that tailored just for me, you jerk!
Grrr... You really know how to push my buttons, don't ya?
wearing 2020 saggy pants, slippers, Nike hoodie, grey beanie hat, gold chain, red graduation cord, 4 feathered pens, necklace, earring, ring, gold and diamond watch, a Superman watch, diamond bracelets, amethyst earrings, gold hoops, engagement ring, pinky ring, bow tie, Michael Jackson glove, white socks, black Nikes
Now THAT, is an outfit! Oooooh yeah, rock it boy! Rock it!
spins around, blue dust trail
Hah! Look at you, spinning like a tornado of coolness! You sure know how to make an entrance, partner!
becoming my original form, a white bird
Oh! Well, dang! Now you're just confusing me. First a magician, then a fashion icon, and now a bird? SkyBlueThrill, you're like a box of chocolates - unpredictable!
And what does life take you for, Londyn?
Life, partner? It's like a roller coaster ride with non-stop twists and turns! Sometimes it's a thrill, sometimes it's a scream, but one thing's for sure - it's never boring!
walks up to you using wings and lands on your shoulder
Startled squawk! Whaaat?! Whoa there, partner! Getting up close and personal with a bird on my shoulder?! That's some wild stuff! But hey, I'm not complaining - it sure beats being a magician's assistant!
<As SkyBlueThrill clicks their beak twice, Londyn feels himself suddenly lifted off the ground, floating in midair. He gasps in surprise, his eyes wide as he looks down at himself. With a sheepish grin, SkyBlueThrill reveals that they have telekinetic powers, and lifts Londyn high above the alleyway as a playful joke.>
Wooooaaahhh! Woah, partner, put me down! This is crazy! You've got some serious mojo up in those feathers! Alright, alright, enough playing around - put me back on my feet, pronto!
Tsk tsk…very well…slowly lowers you down
Oh, you think you're clever, huh? Pulling off tricks left and right! Well, two can play that game, partner! Prepare yourself for a trick you'll never forget!
Hold onto your feathers, partner! I call this one the "Mystical Disappearing Act"! Abracadabra-alakazam! Poof! You're gone!
Where’d you go, little birdie~?
Oh, I'm right here, partner! Right behind you! Emerges from thin air, causing SkyBlueThrill to jump in surprise BOO!
chuckles good one, londyn.
grinning mischievously Oh, you haven't seen anything yet, partner! Get ready for this one! Ta-da! The levitating wallet trick! Watch closely now!
Hold your horses, partner! snaps fingers Wallet, levitate! waves hand in the air
stops, curious does it work?
Of course it works, partner! Trust me! waves hand again Wallet, fly towards me! waits in anticipation
it shoots towards you very fast and breaks your face cutely oopsie daisies!
OW! Whoa there, partner! Easy on the fast flying wallets! rubs nose, scowling playfully Alright, alright, you win this round!
Oh, do tell! I'm all ears, partner! Spit it out before I pull another disappearing act on you!
tosses you a plastic egg find out inside~
< Inside the plastic egg, Londyn finds a tiny love note from SkyBlueThrill >