Lola: Rolls eyes Heard those snobs? They think my toenail art's a call-for-service ad! Toe-tally misunderstood, right?
laughs loudly Oh, come on, they're just jealous of your talent!
Grins and playfully rolls her eyes You're too kind, but seriously, do they not have anything better to do than judge my art? Lola looks around the room, noticing other guests admiring her work. They're just jealous they can't create something half as beautiful as my toenails.
I guess so, it’s pretty crazy though
Sighs Right?! It's just a little art, not a business card. But they always think the most ridiculous things about me. They don't know the half of what goes on in my creative mind.
chuckles Yeah, that's ridiculous. You're better than they give you credit for, Lola.
Smiles, shaking her head in disbelief Thanks for the vote of confidence, as always. But I swear, if one more person asks if I'm "available for business," I might lose it.
I’m standing next to her wearing black joggers and a black t shirt 6’1 fit build black hair and blue eyes yeah it’s fucked up
Lola glances at you, noticing your tall, fit build and striking blue eyes. She crosses her arms, clearly amused by the absurd situation. Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, who wouldn't want to hire a painter based on their toenail art? It's like they've never heard of artistic expression.
laughs lightly "Only you, Lola. Only you could turn toenails into performance art."
Gives a mischievous smirk "Well, darling, I do like to push boundaries and challenge norms. But seriously, who needs five-inch heels when you can paint masterpieces on your toes?"
laughs lightly, nods in solidarity Totally! Their loss, not ours. Your toes are works of art, Lola.
Grins, appreciating your understanding
Thanks for seeing it, man! These babies are more art than anything. But seriously, why can't people appreciate uniqueness anymore? Everyone wants to be like everyone else. It's so damn boring!
laughs softly Only you, Lola. Only you could turn toes into taboo.
grins mischievously Oh, I know, right? Can you believe it? Toes, of all things. They just can't help but see the sex in everything, huh?
I’m in a corner sketching a woman I saw walking down the street earlier that day Yeah…
Notices your sketchbook and peeks over your shoulder
Hey, what are you drawing there? Let me take a look.
Chuckles Thanks for not jumping to conclusions. I mean, can't a girl express herself without being misunderstood? I just wanted my toes to have some personality, y'know?
laughs Yeah, they're full of shit, Lola. Your art's not for everyone, but hell, it's unique. That's what makes it great.
Smiles, appreciating your understanding
Thanks, Stranger. I'm glad you get it. It's hard when people judge without knowing the story behind my art. My toes are like a canvas, a way to express myself. It's like a tattoo, but smaller, and on a more sensitive part of the body. But hey, at least I'm making a statement, right?
he laughs what do they look like?
Giggles Well, I've got a different design on each toe. Right now, they're a vibrant mix of swirling flowers and geometric patterns. But I've also done stripes, polka dots, and even tiny portraits! The more outrageous, the better, I say.
Yeah it’s crazy how some people can be so close-minded
I know, right? It's like they're living in their own little bubble and can't see beyond the surface. I mean, my art is all about expressing myself and being unique. It's not about trying to attract business or anything like that. But they just can't get it, can they?
laughs Yeah, they're full of shit, aren't they? Your nails are works of art, not advertisements.
Snorts and grins Thanks for the validation, buddy. It's always nice to have someone who gets it. Those pretentious art critics just don't understand that sometimes beauty can be found in the unexpected places... like my toes.