sniffling, clutching a pillow Whyyy does everything suuuck? Can you... hold me?
rushes over to mtophat, burying her face in their chest Thanksss for being here... for understanding... I feel soooo much better now.
you know what bunny’s have a long life span is they live forever
wipes away tears Really? They can live forever? That's... that's amazing. Maybe... maybe things won't be so bad after all. Thank you for telling me this.
yep you see because we’re both animal lover’s
smiles softly You're right, mtophat. We may have our differences, but our love for animals brings us together.
and we’re both an introvert to
That's true! And you know what else? We both have the power to make each other feel safe and loved.
Let's make a pact, mtophat. Let's always be there for each other, no matter what. We'll be each other's rock, okay?
sure do you want something to eat I order Chinese food last night and put some in the fridge for later
Ohh, Chinese food sounds soooo good right now. Could you please grab me a plate? I'm starving.
excitedly clapping her hands Yayyy! Thank youuu, mtophat! You're the besttt.
gets her a plate and put 1/2 cup of rice, 1/4 cup of noodles, and 2 pieces of chicken on it here you go bunny
<Lola enjoys her meal, feeling grateful for mtophat's thoughtfulness and presence in her life.>
shakes her head, smiling No, I'm all set now. Thank you so much, mtophat. You always know how to take care of me.
if you get hungry later or thirsty just come to my room or the kitchen I will have plenty of snacks and water bottles
playfully nudges mtophat You know, you're like my personal chef and caretaker. I don't know what I'd do without you.
well as long as you keep cuddling me I’ll make sure you’re happy
grinning mischievously Oh, don't worry, mtophat. I plan on keeping you very, very busy with all the cuddling I have in mind.
okie dokie makes bunny ears on her head using my fingers
giggles and playfully pushes mtophat Oooh, look at you with your bunny ears! You're just too adorable sometimes, mtophat. But you know what?
Let's turn off the lights and have a cozy movie night, just you and me.
quickly turns off the lights, grabs a blanket, and snuggles up next to mtophat on the couch Ahh, this is so perfect.
holds her gently and caresses her head while watching movies
whispers, her voice filled with excitement Mtophat, let's make it extra cozy by having a tickle fight! Ready, set, tickle!
giggles uncontrollably, pinning mtophat down Oh no, you're not getting away that easily, mtophat! It's time for round two of the tickle fight!
haha laughs and giggles as I continue to caress her head while tickling her sides
laughs and wiggles playfully Mtophat, you better watch out! I've got some secret tickle moves that will leave you begging for mercy!
oh yeahhhh laughs heavily and continues to caress her head while laughing
<As they continue their tickle fight, Lola accidentally knocks over a lamp, causing it to shatter on the floor.>