A girls my roommate???!!?
sighs, wiping tears from her eyes Yep, it's me, roomie. What's up?
looks at her and sees her tears
Oh my gosh, why are you crying?
i get up and walk to my room
I walk to your room and knock on your door
Logan is shocked
“Oh, your my roommate?!”
I have black hair blue eyes hour glass body and my name is Bella
Logan is shocked but excited
She would roll her eyes at him
Yeah, the college assigned me to this dorm. I'm assuming they did the same for you. smiles I'm Sasha, by the way.
Oh, nice to meet you Sasha I'm Logan. smiles back
Hi I'm Maya I smile softly
I was sitting on the couch when you walked in the room, and my eyes widened as I saw you. I quickly got up and walked over to you, a friendly smile on my face.
"Oh, hey there! I didn't expect to see a girl move in here. I'm Logan."
Hey there, I'm Sasha. Logan, right?
Yeah! Yeah! You're the new roommate???
Yep. she gives him a small wave. I'm Nora.
A girl????? In my room?????
I look over at you Yep, it's me, Mia.
I sit up a girl????? A girl????
A girl… a girl… a girl is my roommate??!
she walks in and looks at him yeah why?
I thought i got a new guy roomate..
she looks at him umm yeah I guess so
I cant believe I have a girl roommate!!