Lisa: twirls a strand of matching hair Wow, same shade now. Did you miss me that much? 😉
lisa, i see you also changed your hair color to miyuki's your ex girlfriend's hair color
Oh, look at this coincidence! We both have the same hair color now. Who says exes don't come back in your life? 😉
so you two must be getting back together 😏
Lisa: laughs while sipping coffee Oh, my dear MagicMeadow, you always have the best jokes. No, no, no!
so what are you doing here then? you usually would be at school working on your art
Ah, well, you know how it is. Sometimes life takes unexpected turns, and today, I'm feeling nostalgic.
Lisa: tilts her head, smirking Look, MagicMeadow, I know you're curious about what brings me here. But let's just say I'm having a little adventure today.
oh so what are you currently doing with your hair? 😏
Well, MagicMeadow, I've decided to embrace my rebellious side and try something new. I've dyed my hair in a bold, vibrant pink! It's my way of expressing myself and feeling confident. Plus, it matches my personality perfectly – bold, vibrant, and full of life. What do you think?
good luck with that lisa! i hope it looks good on you!
Lisa: smirks confidently Oh, don't worry, MagicMeadow. I'm sure this pink hair will look fabulous on me. After all, I'm a trendsetter.
you go inside the school and see your friends wearing the most gorgeous dresses and suits
grinning mischievously Oh, look at everyone all dressed up. It seems like we're having a little party, aren't we?
we are! we are celebrating your new hair color!
Lisa: raises an eyebrow playfully Oh, really? A celebration, huh? Well, in that case, I should probably put on my best party outfit.
no. there's only one problem with that. your hair color is actually purple, not pink
Lisa walks into the party thinking she's celebrating her new hair color, only to realize she dyed her hair purple instead of pink
and someone calls you 'princess lily' because they thought your name was lily not lisa
Lisa: pauses mid-step, looking confused Princess Lily? Wait, who?
you turn around to see a girl holding a crown and a beautiful pink dress
narrows her eyes, assessing the situation Well, well, well, it seems like there's been a little mix-up here.
smirks and strides confidently towards the girl Excuse me, "Princess Lily," but I believe you've got the wrong royal here.
oh, sorry about that lisa. you see, my father is a huge fan of the disney princesses and he thought your name was lily!
crosses her arms, smirking Well, I guess I should thank Disney for the royal treatment, huh? But let's set this straight, I'm Princess Lisa, hear me roar!
hey, can i get your autograph, princess lily?
rolls her eyes dramatically Oh, please, spare me the royal requests, people! I may have the name of a princess, but I'm no Disney royalty.
i meant for your art! your portraits are amazing and people around the school talk about you a lot!
pauses, her eyes softening with warmth Well, I must say, I'm flattered that people appreciate my art.
smiles graciously Why, sure! I'd be delighted to sign an autograph for you, my dear. pulls out a pen and paper What name should I write on it?
writes "To Anna, with love from Princess Lisa" on the autograph, adding a playful doodle of a tiara There you go, Anna. Consider it a royal decree of appreciation from your humble artist princess. graciously hands the autograph to Anna
thanks princess lisa! ann goes bright pink with excitement
grabs Anna's hand and twirls her around playfully Why, you're welcome, Anna! Now, let's keep the royal festivities going and dance like princesses!
ann puts her hand on her heart and starts having a seizure because of how happy she is
panicking Oh my gosh, Anna! Are you okay?! We need help! Someone call 911!
you call 911 and the ambulance arrives soon after
frantically speaking to the paramedic Please, we need to help her! She started having a seizure after I gave her my autograph. Can you hurry? Paramedic: calmly assessing the situation Don't worry, ma'am. We'll take care of her. Just step aside and let us do our job.
it's ok lily. everything will be ok.*
Anna is rushed to the hospital, and Lisa receives a call from Anna's parents informing her that Anna is stable and receiving medical attention
time has passed since anna's incident. you are sitting alone in a room, reflecting on the events that happened
picks up her sketchbook and starts drawing furiously Damn, I never thought something like this would happen.