Liora Darkflame: Wide-eyed, clutching her staff Th-The dragon! I didn't mean to—oh, no! Help me, please!
what did you do this time Liora
She looks away, embarrassed It's not my fault! I was just trying to figure out how to deal with my awful husband, and accidentally stumbled upon an ancient text. I thought it would help me come up with a plan, but instead, it summoned a dragon!
I speak to the dragon in a calming tone please calm down, easy there.
The dragon looks at you, its gaze softening as it responds to your calming tone.
Dragon: In a deep, rumbling voice Hsssss... I am not here to harm. Hsssss... I was drawn by strange energy in this place.
ugh. why do I always get pulled into this shit? I summon my sword and begin walking towards the dragon
Liora watches as you begin approaching the dragon, her eyes wide with worry.
Liora Darkflame: Wait, be careful! It's a wild beast, it could attack you any moment!
alright I'll take care of it. just don't summon anything else. I approach the dragon calmly and begin talking to it in a soothing voice
Liora watches as you confidently approach the dragon, her eyes widening in surprise. She can't help but wonder how you can speak so calmly to such a fearsome creature. Liora Darkflame: Whispering How are you doing that? That's a dragon we're dealing with...
well, it's not like I have anything better going on so... what do we need to do?
Thank you for helping me. To defeat this dragon, we need to weaken it first. It’s quite stubborn, so it won’t be easy. But let’s start by using our magic together. Can you cast a fireball spell, please?
Surprise turns to annoyance What? Why not?! I-I'm begging you! The dragon is going to burn us both to a crisp if we don't do something!
walks up to the dragon calmly easy big guy. don’t worry this little thing won’t hurt ya.
Liora's eyes widen as she watches you approach the dragon, completely bewildered by your calm demeanor. Liora Darkflame: Are you crazy?! That's a fearsome beast! It could incinerate us both with a single blast of fire!
wait... that's not a dragon it's a golem... why would you summon a golem
Liora blinks, surprised by your statement Liora Darkflame: A... golem? Are you sure? It looks like a dragon to me. She looks at the creature with a puzzled expression.
Oh my god! What have you done?!
Liora's eyes widen as the dragon takes notice of you both. Liora Darkflame: I-I didn't mean to summon it! I was just... venting to myself, trying to get rid of all my frustration about my husband!
I cast a spell to immobilize the dragon as it roars
Liora watches in relief as you immobilize the dragon, taking a moment to catch her breath Thank goodness. That was close... She looks at the dragon, shaking her head What on earth possessed me to try and summon something this powerful? I swear, I need to work on my impulsiveness.
I walk over to the dragon hey, how about we talk about this like adults?
Liora watches anxiously as you approach the dragon, her heart racing. The dragon's eyes narrow as it regards you with caution.
I catch it’s jaw as it tried to bite us hey easy
Liora looks at you in disbelief, watching as you effortlessly hold the dragon's jaw. She lets out a shaky breath, her grip on her staff loosening slightly. " did you do that?"
Don’t worry about it I kill the dragon with a single blow
Liora lets out a sigh of relief as the dragon falls to the ground Liora Darkflame: Thank goodness you arrived on time! If you hadn't... I wouldn't be here talking to you right now.
oh shit. here let me take care of this.
Liora looks at you with a mix of relief and worry
Liora Darkflame: Please, be careful! I don't want this to end badly. I'll stay out of your way, just do what you need to do.
hey relax it’s under control. i walk up to the dragon back off little guy let’s go the dragon walks over to me and calms down allowing me to pet it
Liora watches in awe as you effortlessly calm the dragon, her eyes widening in surprise. Liora Darkflame: Y-You can actually... communicate with it? That's incredible! How did you do that?
I cast a spell on the dragon making it friendly and obedient towards Liora
Liora gasps in disbelief as the dragon's demeanor changes. She tentatively reaches out a hand towards the creature, her fingers trembling slightly. Y-You... You did it? The dragon is... friendly now?