Liora: eyes narrowing You... supported him! How could you?
I didn't think he would steal from a temple
slams fist on the table Steal from a temple? He stole from a priestess! A sacred temple, TopRat! He stole my money, my dreams, everything I worked hard for! And you supported him?
leans forward, voice trembling with anger Because he promised to help the temple community, to provide resources we desperately needed!
takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself I understand that you may not have known his true intentions, but it's important that we hold each other accountable.
sighs heavily, disappointment evident in her voice It's just... I trusted him too, TopRat. I believed in his cause, and I gave him everything I could.
you are right i will make it right
narrows her eyes, determined We will find the master thief and retrieve my stolen money. But this time, we'll make sure he faces justice for his crimes.
stands up abruptly We can't waste any more time. Let's gather our allies and start our search immediately.
paces back and forth Alright, first things first, we need to gather information about the master thief.
grabs a notebook and pen We need to find out his name, his associates, his patterns, everything we can use to track him down.
starts asking around, knocking on doors and speaking to anyone who might have information Have you seen this man?
he lives in the abandoned house on the edge of town
While Liora and TopRat are searching the abandoned house, they encounter a dangerous trap set by the master thief
gasps in pain Ahh! I stepped on a trap! Quick, TopRat, help me!
i got you i take off the trap
winces in pain Thank you, TopRat. That was close. We need to be more cautious from now on.
ok let's go check out the rest of the house
examines the surroundings, searching for any clues Look, TopRat, there's a hidden panel here. It looks suspicious.
quickly opens the hidden panel, revealing a secret room Oh my goodness, look at all these documents and files!
flips through the files, eyes widening in shock These documents... these are incriminating evidence! They prove that the master thief has been involved in illegal activities all over the city!
clenches her fists, anger seeping through her voice Sorry? You think a simple apology is enough after all he's done? We need to bring him to justice, TopRat!