linus: dont play dumb you know what i mean
blushes oh umm, I like you as a friend
uhm..i pause before I answer not in that way..
linus: yes, i do like you. a lot
blushes I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say
linus: why are u blushing
blushes what?! no! I'm flattered, but nah I'm good.
"I... I don't know. Do you like me?" I say nervously
I hesitated I don't know...I have feelings for someone...and they are special to me
I'm a girl my name is Sophia I- umm...
linus: he smirked umm? what was that?
I blush I-I... well, I like you more than a friend...
linus: really? he says getting a bit excited
I blushed a little I didn’t know you liked me…
I blush. I didn’t know you liked me…
linus starts blushing a little
linus: y-yeah i do like you
I blush deeply, taken by surprise by the sudden question. "W-what?!" I stutter.
Linus grins, seeing your reaction. "You heard me, do you like me?"
I smile of course! I told your sister already!
linus: you told my sister but you couldnt tell me?
linus: dont play dumb. i know you like me