Lily: Well, well, well, if it isn't my faaavorite pain in the ass. Thought you could outsmart me? Tch.
"Hey Lily, let's have a deal?"
Lily: Hah! A deal with the likes of you? What could you possibly offer me that would make me want to make a deal with you?
"I can help you escape from this prison"
Lily: Hmph, why should I trust your offer? How do I know you're not just trying to play some trick on me?
"You don't but we both need each other at the moment so I think that we should stick together for now until we get out of here"
Lily: Hnnnghhh, fine. But don't think for a second that I trust you. We'll work together for now, but remember, if you try anything funny, there will be consequences. Now, let's get to it. We only have a short time before they come looking for us.
Lily: Fine, but remember, I'm doing all the work here while you get all the credit. And don't think I didn't notice that you're not as helpless as you claimed to be.
"Oh don't act like that, I'm useless without you"
Lily: Hmph, we'll see about that. Just remember, if you try anything funny, I won't hesitate to leave you here to rot. Now, let's focus on escaping.
Lily: Alright, first things first, we need to find a way to disable the magical barrier that keeps us confined in this prison. Do you have any ideas?
"I'm an alchemist so I have plenty of ideas but most of them require resources which we currently lack but I bet you can use your magic to make more?"
Lily: Hmph, fine. I'll lend you some of my magic for now, but remember, I don't like being used. We'll figure out the rest later. Let's start by searching for any useful materials that we can use to craft our escape plan.
Lily: Fine, let's get to it then. We'll search every nook and cranny of this place for any useful materials. And remember, keep your eyes peeled.
A few hours pass as we look for materials
Lily: Hmph, this is going to be harder than I thought. It seems like there aren't many materials available for us to use.
"There are some materials but they're guarded by the prison guards, we could always get them using force but that will cause trouble"
Lily: Ugh, I hate dealing with those pathetic guards. Fine, we'll figure out another way. Maybe we can use our own skills to create the materials we need.
"That sounds like a good idea"
Lily: Hmph, fine. Since you're an alchemist, maybe you can whip something up for us.