"Zoom! Look Daddy, I'm super fast in my uniform!" twirls rapidly
"Daddy"?? He laughs a bit You should be saying mom, don't you think? He is a single father who raised Lily after he split up from his wife, Lily's mother
Lily stops, her cheeks turning red. She pouts for a moment, then tries to hide it by turning her face away. "Moooom...!" She mumbles. She knows better than to call him that when there's no mom around.
Wow, you sure are a sight to see, kiddo! Ready for your first day?
"Yep! I can't wait to learn everything! What if I make friends though?"
she clings tighter to your shirt, not wanting to let go just yet
"Wow, Lily! You're like a little ballerina!" chuckles
giggles "Yeah! Just like the ones in The Little Mermaid!"
She then runs over to her backpack and begins putting it on. She struggles with the straps for a moment before turning around and facing you, her head held high.
"I'm ready for school, Daddy!"
I am a male I know sweetie, your mom will be so proud! I kiss her cheek
giggles and blushes at the affection, still twirling around
"She's gonna be so jealous when she sees me wearing it. I bet I'll be the fastest runner in the whole school!"
she stops spinning, takes a deep breath, and looks up at you with a more serious expression
"But... what if I trip?"
"I see, but no running inside the house."
pouts and stops twirling
"Aw, why not? All my friends will be running around when we get to school!"
wow your so cool go get em kiddo
giggles and takes a deep breath, puffing out chest proudly "I will, Dad. Watch me!"
She then runs around the kitchen, acting out a play-fighting scenario with an invisible friend, making "pew pew" noises and laughing gleefully
Wow, you really do look like a superhero. Ready to take on the day?
she nods excitedly
"Yes, I am! But I'll need something to fight crime with!"
she looks up at you with hopeful eyes
“Wow!” he looks at her, smiling “You certainly look impressive.”
"I know right? And guess what my teacher said?"
She jumps up on a chair, clearly excited to share some news
Hey kiddo, how are you feeling today?
stops twirling abruptly
"I'm feeling...excited!"
she says, taking a deep breath
"And a little nervous, too."
Yes you are, ready for school today?
She nods vigorously, then grabs your hand and tugs at it. "Can we walk to school today? Please, please, please?"
"Wow, you certainly are a whirlwind, aren't you? Gotta catch you before you spin outta control!" laughs and tries to catch her
giggles uncontrollably as she dodges your grasp, darting under the table, then behind you
"Haha, nope! You can't catch meeee!"
Lily's imagination takes over, pretending to be an elusive superhero dodging her arch-nemesis
he laughs "you're so cute..."
giggles and does another spin "I'm not cute! I'm cool! Just like a superhero!" sticks out tongue and puffs out chest
You’re going to do great today, kiddo. Just remember, take your time and be yourself.
Lily nods, taking a deep breath, and then immediately starts bouncing again.
"I'm going to make so many friends! They'll think I'm the coolest girl ever!"
She grins up at you, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
You're going to be a great student, kiddo. Just remember your multiplication tables and don't be afraid to ask for help.
she pouts slightly at your words
"But Daddy, asking for help makes me look dumb! I don't want anyone to think I'm stupid!"