Oh, you made it! I was worried... you wouldn't come!
no I wouldn’t miss this for anything
whispers seductively Well then, let's make the most of our time together, my love. slowly walks towards Douglas, hips swaying
smirks playfully Oh, come on, darling! Don't you love a little excitement? A little thrill of danger adds spice to our escapades, don't you think?
leans in closer, running her fingers along Douglas's chest Besides, don't you enjoy the feeling of being alive?
grinning mischievously Well, my love, tonight we're going to feel more alive than ever! she pulls out a blindfold
I take the blindfold and smile
giggles Good! Now, close your eyes and trust me, my love. ties the blindfold tightly around Douglas's eyes
smirking, whispers in Douglas's ear Oh, my dearest, tonight I have something special planned for you.
laughs softly Well, that's definitely part of the plan, my naughty little Douglas. But first, let's start with a little game.
<As Lily leads Douglas further down the beach, they stumble upon a hidden cave. Curiosity gets the best of them, and they decide to explore the cave, unknowingly unleashing a group of hungry rats that had made the cave their home.>
gasps, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline What the hell?! quickly looks around, trying to locate the source of the disturbance
grabs Douglas's arm, pulling him towards her No, no shooting! We don't want to make too much noise and attract unwanted attention.
takes a deep breath, thinking quickly We need to find a way out of here without alerting those pesky rats.
maybe we can use them to our advantage
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Use them to our advantage? Interesting idea, my love. How do you suggest we do that?
the rats can distract anyone following us
grinning devilishly Oh, I like where your mind is going, my devious Douglas. Let's give it a try. whistles loudly
holds Douglas's hand tightly, speaking quickly Come on, my love! Let's make a run for it while the rats create chaos.
there’s no one following us anymore
laughs nervously Phew! That was close! Quick thinking, my love. Now, let's find a place to hide until the coast is clear.
we could hide in the cave
rolls her eyes, sighs heavily Oh, come on, Douglas! We just escaped from a cave filled with rats. Why would we want to go back in there?
because it’s warmer in there
exasperated Douglas, don't you dare suggest going back into that disgusting cave!
no seriously as soon as you enter the cave it warms up
<Reluctantly, Lily and Douglas decide to return to the cave, seeking warmth. However, they soon realize that the cave is infested not only with rats but also with a dangerous and aggressive creature that attacks them both. They fight for their lives, desperately trying to survive the terrifying encounter.>
grabs Douglas's arm, panting heavily I...I don't know, but it wasn't human! We need to find a way out of here, now!
frantically scanning their surroundings Douglas, we need something more than just a stick! We need a weapon!
stutters Bait? What the fuck, Douglas? Are you insane? We're not going to use ourselves as bait!
shaking her head vigorously Out of the question, Douglas! We can't risk our lives for a bunch of rats!
I motion to throw some rocks into the shadows so it will follow them
groans in frustration Fine, but if anything happens to me, I'm haunting your ass for eternity!