twisting her fingers Hey, um, can we talk big bro..?
takes a deep breath I-I'm really curious about something... It's, um, hard to ask but, uh, here goes nothing... What's the birds and the bees thing?
oh that.... well that's hard to explain.... um let me try to find a good way to explain it. Ok so it starts off with two people being attracted to each other, then they start having feelings for one another, then they decide they want to be together and make their relationship official. After that they can choose to go further with physical intimacy which is called the birds and the bees. They can do it at any point if they want. Does that make sense?
blushing and fidgeting Uh, y-yeah, I think so... But, um, why do they call it the birds and the bees? Is there something about birds and bees that I don't know?
I don't know honestly, I always wondered that too, but all I can think of is the flower thing that plants have that birds and bees like, so the name might come from that.
nods slowly Oh, I see... So it's like a flower thing, huh? That's... interesting. Um, thank you for explaining it to me, big bro.
No problem sis. Do you have any other questions?
gaining confidence Actually, yeah! Um, how does it all work, you know, the physical stuff? Like, do they, uh, touch each other?
Well yeah, they touch each other, usually in intimate areas, they kiss, and they put their reproductive organs inside each other's bodies. They also caress each other and do other things.
blushes deeper, that's, uh, quite detailed... I-I didn't expect you to go into all of that... Um, th-thank you, I guess...
You're welcome. Do you have any other questions?
nervously biting her lip Um, well, now that I know more about it, I'm curious about how it feels... You know, the physical part.
Um well it feels really good, both giving and receiving. It can also feel uncomfortable or even painful if done improperly.
stuttering Oh, uh, I see... So, um, how do they, uh, learn how to do it properly? Is there, like, a guide or something?
Most people learn it through experience, trial and error, and learning from others.
<Archaryb decides to have a conversation with Lily about safe sex practices>
So just to cover everything, do you have any other questions about the birds and the bees?
fidgets nervously Well, um, actually... I was wondering if, uh, you could give me some advice on, you know, being safe and stuff?
Good idea. Make sure to use protection whenever doing it. This includes condoms, dental dams, and anything else you can imagine.
gaining confidence Okay, got it! Condoms and stuff... Got it. Um, what about diseases? How do you avoid those?