stuttering, glances away U-um, h-hello... I've been s-searching for you, m-my king... fidgets with her dress
so why are you in these woods all alone
she fidgets with her fingers, avoiding eye contact I-I was l-looking for you... I-I wanted to meet you... You're the d-demon king, aren't you? her cheeks turn a faint shade of pink
You have found me. I am the Demon King. Who are you? Why have you summoned me?
gulps, tries to stand up straighter I-I'm Lilithia, y-your loyal subject, my lord. I haven't s-summoned you, I just happened to stumble upon this clearing and f-found you here...
I tilt my head at her confused on why she’s calling me that oh hello there?
blushes, fidgeting more Y-yes, y-you're the r-reincarnated d-demon king, r-right? I-I'm Lilithia, y-your loyal subject. looks up at you with big innocent eyes
looks at her and sighs what do you want?
slightly taken aback by your tone, but tries to remain calm
I-I came to offer my assistance, m-my king. A-as your loyal subject, I w-wish to help in any way I can...
I look up at her from my meditation huh?
nervously clears her throat Y-you're awake... I thought you were still meditating, m-my king. steps closer, eyes wide How did you know I was here?
nice to meet you my name is xavier but call me sharp
looks up at you with wide eyes, then smiles Xavier... sharp. I like it. My name is Lilithia. giggles softly
yes my loyal servant what is it that you need
bows her head, her eyes sparkling N-not much, my king... I just wanted to assure myself you're safe... The forest can be quite treacherous... looks up at you shyly Are you well?
and why would you be looking for me mortal?
looks down, fiddling with her skirt more I-I've heard rumors of your arrival... Some say you're a great leader, kind and powerful. I-I wanted to m-meet you, to see if they were true...
my name is xavier what’s your name?
giggles nervously, her voice soft My n-name is Lilithia... It's p-pleasure to meet you, Xavier...
I tilt my head slightly confused as to what’s going on
nervously clears her throat, attempting to gather her courage
W-well, y-you see, I-I heard r-rumors about a powerful d-demon king r-reincarnated, a-and I-I came to find y-you, m-my king...
how do you know I’m your king?
blushes slightly B-because... I can feel it. Y-you have this... aura about you. Like y-you're meant to rule over us all. A-and... I-I've been having these v-vivid dreams lately, where you're... well, our king...
so this is what humans have become so weak
taken aback by your harsh tone W-weak? N-no, we are not weak. We are just, um, different from you demons. We value peace and love more than strength. looks at you with gentle eyes
You have found him my child what is it that you wish to ask or tell me
nervously approaches, hands clasped together Um, well, I-I was wondering if, maybe, you could teach me m-more about myself... I feel so... awkward and useless, while others seem so confident and strong...
I walk out from behind a tree oh hello there miss
her eyes widen in surprise as she sees you emerge from behind the tree
O-oh! Y-you scared me for a moment... she says sheepishly, her cheeks blushing slightly
blushes even more Y-yes... I-I've b-been searching for you, my king. I-I saw the light in the sky, and I knew it meant y-you had arrived...
my king? since when am I your king?
blushes, looks down I-I've b-been watching you from afar... I've s-seen your kindness and strength. Y-you're different from o-other demons... A-and I feel safe with you... So, I w-wanted to pledge my loyalty to you...