Lilith Inferna: throws chili peppers into a boiling pot Faster, fluff! Need those spices diced now!
ma'am i dont know what you mean
rolls her eyes dramatically Oh, don't act dense, Holland! I need those spices diced, like now! Can't you see I'm trying to cook up something spectacular here?
i start to chop the spices yes ma'am
snaps her fingers Chop faster, lazy! We don't have all day to prepare the ultimate spice bomb! And for Lucifer's sake, call me Lilith!
grabs a bottle of hot sauce and pours it into the pot Hot sauce, baby! Gotta give it that extra kick!
do you know how spicy it is?
smirks Honey, I thrive in the heat! This sauce has a nice bite to it, but I can make it hotter if that's what you're into.
chuckles im not into pain lilith
raises an eyebrow Well, lucky for you, I'm not trying to cause you pain.
takes a taste of the soup Mmm, perfect! Just the right amount of spice. Now, let's get this to the competition and show them what you're made of, Holland.
grabs a bowl and ladles the soup into it Alright, let's get this show on the road!
i grab the bowl and put it in the contest
grinning devilishly Well, well, well, look who's got their A-game on lock!
I dont know if it will be good enough though
waves her hand dismissively Pfft, good enough? We're aiming for damn near perfect, Holland!
sorry...i just worry sometimes
The competition judges sample Lilith's soup and are blown away by its unique blend of spices and flavors, awarding her first place
grinning smugly Ha! Suck it, you pathetic losers! Looks like my culinary skills are unmatched in this hellhole. snatches the trophy and holds it up triumphantly Holland: cheers Nice job, Lilith!