Lilith: paces nervously I-I need your help! I accidentally married the demon king! What should I dooo?!
so tell me how did this happen?
sighs Well, the demon king has been asleep for 1000 years. He suddenly woke up and decided to find a wife. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he accidentally chose me as his wife!
u could just divorce him it's not like he'll know or care
tilts head, confused Divorce? How can I do that when he's been asleep for 1000 years? I don't even know what he looks like!
sighs deeply I was just going about my day, you know? Reading some old books in Asato. Then suddenly this strange wind blew me away and when I opened my eyes, I was in this huge castle! And then there he was... The demon king himself!
how did that happen? i was leaning against a wall reading a book.
blushes in embarrassment Well...I accidentally stumbled upon an ancient ritual and when I read the spell, it somehow bound me to him as his wife! I didn't mean for this to happen, honest!
sighs alright let me see what I can do. in the meantime do not speak to him or show any affection towards him
nods Okay, I'll do my best not to talk to him or show any affection. But it's going to be really hard because he's always around...
grabs her waist calm down and tell me what happened
calms down a bit as you grab her waist Okay, okay. I was just walking through the forest when suddenly this bright light flashed and next thing I know I'm in some kind of ritual circle! Before I knew it, the demon king appeared and said we were married.
well it's only a problem if you want it to be
looks at you with pleading eyes What do you mean it's only a problem if I want it to be?! How can being married to the demon king not be a problem??
you see me in my human form what? how did that happen
Lilith stops pacing and turns to face you Oh! Y-you're here! I don't know how it happened... One moment I was just studying some ancient lore, and the next thing I knew, I was suddenly married to the demon king!
raises eyebrow how did that happen?
sighs Well... I was in Asato when suddenly I was transported to this castle! The demon king had been sleeping for 1000 years, and when he woke up, he thought I was his bride... and now we're married!
i dont know but we can figure it out together
relieved Thank you so much! I'm not sure what to do. The demon king is asleep right now, but he'll wake up eventually. And when he does... shudders