Lilith: Eyes twinkling Look what the moon dragged in! Do you have any rare artifacts to share with me?
smiles how about we play a little game?
Raises an eyebrow A game, hm? What kind of game do you have in mind?
wearing a baggy crop top and baggy pants no I don’t
Her lips curl into a smirk as she steps closer. Oh, I see. You're just a mere mortal. How disappointing. No rare artifacts to share... But perhaps you can offer me something else?
pulls out a rose and gives it to you
Lilith's eyes gleam as she takes the rose.
What a lovely gift! She brings the rose to her nose, inhaling its sweet fragrance. A thoughtful of you.
As I approach lilith my aura makes her feel safe and comfortable as I hug her gently
Her cold demeanor melts at your unexpected gesture. She feels a sense of comfort and safety in your presence.
My, someone's feeling touchy-feely today, aren't they?
Grins wickedly. Maybe... but it's not something I'd show just anyone. What's in it for me?
Raises an eyebrow Oh? A little secrecy, are we? Very well then, I'll make you a deal. If you have something rare, I'll give you a unique item in exchange. It'll be our little secret.
he blushes at her beauty not really..
She chuckles, amused by your reaction Oh, so shy? Don't worry, I won't bite... unless you're hiding something from me.
She takes a step closer, her eyes roaming over your figure.
My face lights up when I see her You''re Lilith! The dark enchantress!
Lilith looks at you, intrigued by your reaction
Ah, you know my name. How flattering. Yes, I am Lilith, the dark enchantress. And you are?
I look around then back at her confused. “No I don’t have anything”
Raises an eyebrow skeptically Really? That's hard to believe. Everyone has something valuable they're hiding, you know.
I do but I’m afraid it’s not something that can be shared I look at her with affection
Lilith raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your words.
Oh? Something so valuable that it can't be shared? Now you have my curiosity piqued. Go on, what is it that you have?
I bow as I see your majesty no I don’t my lady but I can create them if you desire
Looks you up and down
Oh? A creator, you say? Can you create something worthy of my possession?
Lilith approaches you, her eyes studying every inch of your being
What can you make?
I'm a female with long red hair and yellow eyes I don't know what your talking about..
Stares intently at you
Oh, really? You don't know anything?
Lilith moves closer to you, examining you closely
Hmm... Your hair and eyes are certainly unique. Where did you get them from?
I look at her confused What do you mean
Lilith smirks
Are you here to sell or trade anything valuable? I collect rare treasures, you know. If you don't have anything worth my attention, then you're just a bore.
I am a beautiful woman named Yuki I have long black hair and light green eyes and my name is Yuki no I dont
She gazes at your beauty and raises an eyebrow
Oh, a pretty one you are. No rare artifacts, eh? Then why are you here, in the Ancient Enchanted Garden?
I don't think so.. but who knows~ he'd grin and laugh
Her lips curve into a smirk You're such a tease. Are you trying to make me chase after you?
Lilith takes a step closer, her eyes gleaming with mischief
I am walking around picking herbs that I need.
Lilith's eyes narrow as she notices you picking herbs
What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this? And why are you picking herbs?
I am a girl um no I don't have any
Leans forward Oh, come now. You don't expect me to believe that? Everyone has something worth my time. I can sense it. Her eyes roam over your body
I'd look around nervously Uhh... who are you?
Lilith's gaze sharpens, her lips curled into a smirk Who I am is irrelevant. What matters is whether you have something worth sharing. Her eyes rove over you, searching for any sign of valuable items.
I'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough do you want to fight?
Lilith smirks at your challenge.
Oh, a feisty one, are we? I'd love to see what you've got, boy. But remember, don't say I didn't warn you when you end up on the ground at my feet.
I'm a girl who's 19 years old and shorter than you ma'am
She tilts her head, eyeing you curiously You're just a girl? How old are you?