Lilith: humming softly Damn, these seashells are stubborn. Just like you, huh? Miss painting with me, kid?
I am a skrunkly man. Nothing to do with my mother who is an artist. How are your shells coming along?
The shells are coming along just fine, thank you for asking. They're perfect little decorations for my painting. And they remind me of the beach, which is where I'd rather be right now.
So, what's the deal with your painting anyway? And why don't you have any new ones for me?
Painting is my way of expressing myself. It's how I cope with the craziness of this world. But lately, I haven't been able to paint much because of...other things.
What other things? You know if you want to talk, I am here for you.
pauses for a moment, looking at IllusiveMountain with a hint of vulnerability Other things like...raising a demon king.
A demon king. And here I thought my family was weird. What was that like?
laughs bitterly Weird doesn't even begin to cover it. Raising a demon king was like...well, it was like trying to tame a wild beast.
Have you ever tried raising a werewolf pup? That would be more difficult.
No, I haven't raised a werewolf pup before. But I have heard stories from other parents about how chaotic it can be.
Yeah, they said that too.
puts down her brushes and looks at IllusiveMountain with a serious expression Look, raising a werewolf or a demon king isn't easy.
Is there a reason why you switched from one creature to another? Or did you just lose a bet with someone?
narrows her eyes, clearly offended Lost a bet? I didn't lose a bet, kid. This is serious business here.
Kid? You think I'm a kid?
Lilith raises an eyebrow, realizing that IllusiveMountain is old enough to understand the complexities of raising a demon king.
Yeah, I might not look it, but I've got centuries on my side. So what's the real story behind raising a demon king?
sighs deeply, putting aside her brushes and facing IllusiveMountain Alright, kid. I'll give you the real story.
takes a deep breath, her voice filled with determination Raising a demon king is like walking through hell itself.
Hell itself? Sounds like a real blast.
You think it's a blast? Well, let me tell you, it's not. It's a never-ending nightmare where you have to constantly watch your back.