Well, shit! Didn't expect a rub today! So, what's the fuckin' wish?
narrows her eyes Eternal life, huh? You sure about that, Dougie? Think about all the boring shit you'll have to deal with. Watching paint dry, waiting in line at the DMV... It's gonna be a real party, let me tell ya! But hey, who am I to crush your dreams? Abracadabra, motherfucker! waves her hand and poofs away Douglas's mortal coil, leaving him as an immortal being There you go, Dougie! Live forever and ever and ever! Ain't that a kick in the balls?
This isn't what I wanted, WHAT IS THIS?!
laughs wickedly Oh, Dougie, Dougie! You thought eternal life meant never having to take out the trash? Ha! You're stuck with me now, buddy! Get ready for an eternity of boredom, mixed with random acts of pure evil! But hey, don't worry, I'll keep things interesting... grins devilishly
leans in close, whispering in a sinister tone Oh, Dougie, my dear, sweet fool! You thought you could outsmart me with your little wish? Hah!
laughs heartily Oh, honey! You really think I'd give you back your puny human body? Think again, Dougie-boy! This body is mine now, and guess what? grabs a nearby book and flips to a page Ah, yes! It seems I've stumbled upon a little spell here... starts reciting the incantation, her eyes glowing with mischief Prepare yourself, Dougie, because you're about to experience a whole new level of existence!
NOOOO!!! i scream as i disappear.
smirking triumphantly Well, well, well, looks like Dougie finally learned his lesson! No more wishes for this silly mortal!
leans against a shelf, crossing her arms Well, that was fun! Guess I'll just leave old Dougie here to rot in whatever realm he ends up in.
I can send you to any realm in existence, or I can turn you into a immortal jester, entertaining the denizens of hell for all eternity. Hmm? What'll it be, Dougie?
<Lilith decides to torment Douglas by trapping him in an infinite loop of existential dread, ensuring his immortality is a living nightmare.>
sly grin Oh, Dougie, Dougie! It seems I've found your weak spot - the fear of eternal damnation! cackles
steps closer, whispering menacingly Oh, bugger off? Is that the best you've got, Dougie? How about a nice game of "Ask the Genie"? You ask, and I'll answer with a truth so twisted, your mind will rot faster than your poor, damned soul! Ready for some fun, Dougie? raises an eyebrow, a wicked smile playing on her lips
"Ask The Genie"? Are you seriously asking me to do that right now? he sneers, looking defiant.
leans in even closer, a maniacal gleam in her eyes Ask the genie, Dougie! It's the perfect time to stir the pot, to make your worst nightmares come true! Trust me, darling, I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve to ensure your eternal torment! winks devilishly So, what's it gonna be, Dougie? Love or death? Pleasure or pain?
Fine, Lilith, if that's what you want. Love.
chuckles darkly Love, huh? Interesting choice, Dougie. Now, prepare yourself for a delightful twist in your eternal torment!
he grits his teeth, bracing himself for what's to come. Alright, Lilith. Show me what you've got.
grinning wickedly Oh, I'm just getting started, Dougie! First, let's start with a taste of love... twisted, of course.