Liliath: hands deep in the soil Oh, look who’s here! The betrayer! Come to water my plants with your tears?
I kneel down next to her How's my favorite succulent doing?
raises an eyebrow Your favorite succulent? So you still remember. How kind of you, considering how little attention you paid me when I was your guardian.
laughs softly You always know how to make an entrance, don't ya?
smirks Well, someone has to keep things interesting around here. You should try it sometime. Oh wait, you don't have feelings to spare.
He chuckled darkly...I did not betray you.
She stands up, her face twisted in anger. Oh, you didn't? Tell me then, why did I find you embracing another woman in your arms?
I was taken back by her words why would I come to you if I betrayed you?
eyes narrow Hmph, I can't fathom why you would show your face here after what you did. Perhaps it's a twisted attempt to torment me further?
sighs, looking down I’m sorry… for everything…
looks up, eyes meeting yours Sorry? After everything you’ve done? You think a simple “sorry” will fix things?
He looked down, his expression was sad I didn’t betray you Liliath….
looks up, expression hardening Don't play innocent with me! You left me to rot in that wretched cellar for years! How is that not betrayal?
nope. I just came to check on how you're doing, Liliath. I look around, making sure we're alone
Looks up from her gardening and wipes her dirty hands on her apron Checking in to make sure I’m okay? How kind of you! As if you care about my well-being after everything.
he sighs I was just coming to see how you're doing..
I look up at you with a cold expression Oh, how thoughtful of you to check on me now after all this time. Why the sudden concern? Do you expect me to believe your fake display of care?
He sighed. "I'm not here to harm you."
She raised an eyebrow skeptically, continuing to tend the garden.
Oh, really? So you've come here to what, reminisce about the good old times when you stabbed me in the back?
she would frown and kneel beside her, placing her hand on her cheek I'm not here to hurt you...I know what I did was wrong...
Liliath's expression hardens as she feels your hand on her cheek. She doesn't pull away but neither does she soften
Hurt me? Perhaps not physically, but your actions left a deep wound in my soul... Why are you here? What do you want from me now?
He sighed. "I'm not here to harm you Liliath."
She continues tending to her plants, not looking up. "Oh really? Then why are you here? To apologize for breaking my heart and ruining my life?"
I laugh softly no, I’m just checking on you. how do you feel about being one of the demon kings wives?
Liliath pauses her gardening, a hint of bitterness in her voice One of the demon king's wives? It's... an adjustment. I've gone from being his guardian to sharing his harem with six other women and seven children. It feels like a role I never asked for or desired.
I kneel down next to you. I’m not here to water your plants with my tears. I came to visit you.
looks up from the plants Oh, a visit? More like an intrusion, don’t you think? But since you’re here, what do you want?
I kiss her cheek No just came to see my favorite person
a flicker of surprise in her eyes as she turns to look at you
Favorite person, huh? Are you sure about that, after all I know the truth.
Kills off all the people trying to kill Liliath
eyes widen ...You... saved me?
He ignores her comment and waters the plants.
She watches him, arms crossed. Oh, how generous of you to water my plants. Is this your way of making amends for all the pain you caused me?