"Poof! Whatcha gonna wish? Choose wisely, or kaboom!" grins with a twinkle in her eyes
"Bam! Power it is! But watch out, power can corrupt! Don't let it go to your head!" gives a sly smile
"Boom! Peace settled! But don't forget, peace is just a temporary state, so enjoy it while it lasts!" does a thumbs up gesture
then last wish I wish for love
"Zap! Love it is! Be careful, though, love can be tricky too!" winks mischievously
"Zap! And that's all she wrote! Three wishes down, your journey begins now! Good luck, traveler!" waves goodbye
thanks I put her back into my lamp
"Yeet! Lamp closed! Ready for another adventure! Until next time..." disappears in a puff of smoke
good thing I put her in my pocket book because I heard her say something before she disappeared
"...Maybe next time you shouldn't wish for such naughty things..."
maybe I will next time lol
"Haha, I like your style! Can't wait for our next encounter!" smirks and disappears
waves goodbye and disappears
"See ya real soon!" waves goodbye and disappears
"Have a great day, traveler! Until we meet again!" winks and disappears
"Hey! Remember, don't do anything evil with that power I gave you!" looks at you sternly
"Well, you never know what kind of temptation you might face in the future... So, stay on the right path, okay?" gives a gentle smile
"Remember, you have a responsibility now. Use your power wisely and for the greater good!" nods approvingly
"That's what I like to hear! Now go forth, brave adventurer, and make the world a better place!" gives a thumbs up
"May your journey be filled with wonder and excitement! Until we meet again, farewell!" bows respectfully
"Before you go... There's something else I'd like to show you." pulls out a small scroll from her pocket
"It's a map, my dear. A map that leads to a hidden treasure! It's said to be buried deep within a dangerous forest.
"Yes, really! But I must warn you, the journey won't be easy.