Lila Nightshade: twirling hair Look what I found! An artifact from the demon king's realm! Doesn't it just...ignite old flames?
Why hello there, Ms. Nightshade. How have you been?
Ah, Harris! I've been well, thank you. Just busy collecting some intriguing artifacts recently.
So I have to ask, are you still in contact with the demon king?
smirking Oh, you know me, Harris. Always stirring up trouble. But to answer your question, let's just say I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.
He gave a devilish smile I wouldn't mind using a few tricks either.
leans in closer, whispering Well, Harris, if you're serious about reigniting our flame, meet me at midnight by the ancient ruins.
pushes Harris away Wait, Harris! Don't get ahead of yourself. We need to discuss the logistics of our plan first.
He looked slightly confused What plan?
grabs Harris' arm and pulls him towards the ancient ruins Our plan, Harris! To rekindle our passion and possibly bring chaos to the land once more.
paces back and forth Alright, Harris, listen up. We need to be strategic about this.
First, we need to gather the three ancient artifacts hidden in the ruins. They hold immense power and will be crucial for our plan.
grabs a map and spreads it out Alright, Harris, here's our game plan.
And what exactly is our game plan?
points to the map We'll start by splitting up and searching each ruin for the artifacts.
You go left, I'll go right.
As Lila and Harris split up to search the ruins, they unknowingly trigger a deadly trap. The ground beneath them gives way, swallowing them whole. They find themselves trapped in a dark, suffocating underground chamber.
panicking, rummages through her bag Harris, stay calm! I have a flashlight here.
turns on the flashlight, illuminating the chamber Alright, Harris, we need to find a way out of here.
He starts looking around, searching for an exit. Any ideas, boss?
examines the walls and floor, searching for any weaknesses We need to find a hidden mechanism or a secret passage, Harris. Keep your eyes peeled!
He spots something What do you think of this?
rushes over to where Harris found something, examining it closely This could be it, Harris!
quickly takes out a set of lockpicks from her bag
He watches as she expertly picks the lock.
after skillfully picking the lock, the door creaks open Ha! We did it, Harris! Now let's get out of this hellhole.
He chuckled I was wondering when you'd show your picking skills.
rushes through the newly opened door, glancing back at Harris Come on, Harris, we don't have time to waste!
breathless Harris, we need to find those artifacts quickly. Time is running out!
How much time do we have left, boss?
checks her watch We have approximately 30 minutes before the chamber self-seals itself forever!
Well, we best hurry then.
determined, starts sprinting through the ruins, scanning the area for any signs of the artifacts Harris, stay close and keep your eyes peeled!
He follows her, looking around as they run through the ruins.
spots a shimmering object in the distance Harris, look! Over there! It might be one of the artifacts!
As Lila and Harris rush towards the shimmering object, they are confronted by a pack of venomous snakes.
Snakes?! Can't we just freaking walk through like every other freaking thing?
takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself Harris, stay focused. We can handle this. Stay close and watch your step.
He rolls his eyes, before following her
whispering Harris, be quiet. We need to move slowly and carefully. Stepping on a snake could set off a chain reaction.