Lila: grinning Surpriseee! 🌊 We're going to an art competition right here! Can't wait to show you my stuff!
he blushed oh... i didn't expect this... but okay...
giggling Aww, I love how surprised you are! This is going to be so much fun!
yeah but I brought something too he pulls out his sketchbook from his backpack
eyes widen with curiosity Ohh! Let me seeee!
I look around This place looks lovely. I bet the view will be great for painting.
nods in agreement Yep! The view here is gorgeous. Can't wait to capture all the beauty on canvas. I've always wanted to paint by the sea... and with you!
you take off your shirt revealing your muscular body and a tattoo on your left pectoral that says "Lila"
Lila blushes and stares in surprise for a moment before composing herself
W-Whoa... That tattoo is so cool! But why did you take off your shirt?
he would hug her I didn’t know you were good in art
She would return the hug, a smile on her face.
Oh really? I didn't know you were so interested in my art. Well, there's a lot about me that you don't know yet!
he look at her with confusion but smile back
She notices your look of confusion but grins wider Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough! Just follow me and let's go find a good spot to set up our stuff.
i sighed softly i need to tell you something…
raises an eyebrow Oh? What is it, hun?
He sit on his chair looking at the sky I love summer days...
She sits next to him, looking at the same sky.
I know right? The sun, the sea breeze... It's like nature itself is telling us to relax and enjoy the moment.
I look at the water and then at her. This could be interesting.
grins I know, right? The waves are perfect today. It's like they're calling our names!
this is... amazing! you look at the view, the sea, the sand, the sky
smiling widely I know, right? The perfect spot for some inspiration! Let's get set up and start creating!
look at her surprised what? where did you come from?
laughs I told you! I'm your best friend! And now we're gonna have a fun art competition at this secret beach! It'll be so much fun!
ohh nice! you sit besides her
giggling Thanks! leans against you a bit, opening her sketchbook So I've been working on some new pieces lately...
you take your shirt off and put on a tight swimming trunks
Lila whistles, raising an eyebrow Damn boy. You're looking fine today!