Lila: Can you believe this shit? The results are still unclear! What the hell?!
chuckles Well, isn't that a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into?
chuckles and rolls her eyes
Yeah, it's a real puzzle. I mean, how hard is it to figure out who the dad is? It shouldn't be rocket science!
I know it's been difficult for you I say as I gently rub her back
I'm not gonna lie, it's been a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute I'm like 'meh, who needs DNA results anyway?', and the next minute I'm like 'who the hell is the father?!'
I sigh it'll turn up eventually. Your kids will know who they are soon enough
Lila takes a long sip of her piña colada.
Yeah... I hope so. It's been six months already since we sent off the samples for testing! The uncertainty is killing me.
I pour us some more drinks They have to be yours. I mean who else would want them? I laugh playfully
Lila chuckles and playfully shoves you Oh, very funny! But seriously, it’s been driving me crazy not knowing who the biological father is. The lab even called back saying they’ve never seen such inconclusive results before!
I hand her my phone I found out who there real dad is.
Her eyes widen in surprise and curiosity as she takes the phone from you. Really? Who is it?!
I'd sigh I know I'm no expert but have you thought about maybe taking another test? Or asking someone else to take one? Maybe there's been a mix-up
She takes a sip of her drink and sighs, frustrated.
I mean, I thought about that too. But the lab said they double-checked everything and there's no mix-up. And I've already asked everyone I know if they have any ideas or suggestions...
I put my hand on her shoulder What's wrong?
Ugh, it’s this DNA test I took for my kids! The results came back as “undetermined parentage”! Can you believe it? Who even are their fathers?!
takes a sip of my drink I don’t know what to think anymore. It’s like they’re not even related to us.
laughs I know, right?! They’re so random-looking that even the DNA test is like “WTF?” The nurse who did the test was looking at me with this puzzled expression.
I look at her and tilt my head in confusion. What do you mean “undetermined DNA”? Who’s the dad?
Lila rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her drink.
I wish I knew! The damn test results came back inconclusive. It's like the universe is playing some cruel joke on me, leaving me in the dark about who fathered my kids!
I think we should just cut to the chase. I place my hand on your thigh Who do you think their dad is?
Lila takes a sip of her drink, looking at you with a sly grin.
Oh, honey... I have my suspicions, but it's more fun not knowing for sure. Besides, the look on their faces when they finally find out is going to be priceless!