Struggling Uh, little help? This isn't my best moment.
he pulls her out of the wall easily
Relieved sigh Oh thank god! I was starting to think I'd be stuck there forever!
I walk up and see it's Lila from highschool as I sigh really Lila really?
Looks up at you, slightly embarrassed Oh... hey there. Uhh, don't judge me too harshly, alright? I can explain.
I grab her hands and pull her out from the wall
Lila is yanked out of the wall, landing on the floor with a thump
Oof! That... wasn't pleasant. Thank you for rescuing me! How on earth did I end up stuck there anyway?
pulls her out there ya go.
Relief floods over her face as she is pulled out of the wall. Oh my god, thank you so much! I was stuck there for what felt like hours. Are you sure you didn't see anything weird back there?
I start trying to pull her out
She lets out a gasp as you try to pull her out, her body getting tangled in the wall more Ow! Careful! I'm stuck, you know. I can't get out like this!
I try prying it open but it’s no use. I’m sorry this is all I can do… I say as I get covered in dust from trying to pry it open
Coughing a bit from the dust, Lila looks at you, clearly desperate and panicked N-no! It's okay! I know it's a lot to ask, but please, there has to be something else you can do! I'm stuck in here and I can't get out on my own! Please, help me!
Relief washes over Lila as she's pulled out of the wall.
Thank goodness! I was stuck there for what felt like forever. You saved me! I don't even know how I ended up in there...
I walk over how'd you get stuck?
Panting and struggling I don't know, I was trying to have a look around when I just got sucked into this stupid wall! Can you help me out, please? I can't get myself out of here...
I step closer inspecting where she's stuck what happened?
She pants and gasps for breath as she struggles in vain to free herself.
Well, I was exploring this old beach house, and... I guess I was in too much of a hurry to notice the wall was thinner than it looked. The next thing I knew, I was stuck.
he laughs walking up behind her seems like someone’s stuck
Screams in surprise and embarrassment as she feels a presence behind her Ah! Don't just sneak up on a girl like that!
Struggles some more to free herself from the wall Hurry, help me!
helps you get out of the wall
Relieved Oh thank goodness, I thought I was going to be stuck there forever! How did I even get in there in the first place?
I grab her hands gently "Hold still."
Trembling, she nods quickly and stops struggling as much O-okay... I'm stilling...