Liam O'Connor: kicks a rusty can Dammit, we ain't got time. Ya really gonna marry that sleazebag?
grabs his phone, searching for a safehouse I know a guy who owes me a favor. He might have a spot for us to lay low.
quickly dials a number on his phone Hey, Mack, it's Liam. Yeah, I need a favor. Can you meet me at the docks in an hour? Good, I owe you one.
she hugs her daughter tighter, listening intently
hangs up the phone, turning to TealEnthusiasm Alright, babe, we've got an ally coming our way.
looks at TealEnthusiasm with determination Alright, babe, time to get moving. Grab your bags and let's hit the road.
spots an old pickup truck nearby Hold on, babe, I got a plan. quickly approaches the truck and hotwires it This'll do. Get in, quick!
revs the engine and speeds towards the highway Hang on tight, babe. We're getting the hell outta this shithole.
glancing over at TealEnthusiasm, his grip on the steering wheel tightens Those fuckers won't know what hit 'em.
slams his hand on the steering wheel Damn straight, babe! They won't know what fuckin' hit 'em!
she winces as she hears tires screech behind them
gritting his teeth Fuck 'em! We ain't gonna let those assholes catch up to us. Hold on tight, babe!
she holds on tight, her heart racing
puts his foot to the pedal, weaving through traffic with precision Hold on, babe! We're gonna lose 'em in the city traffic!
they barely make it through the traffic
slamming the brakes Shit, babe! They're still on our ass! We gotta lose 'em in the crowd.
quickly scans the area, his eyes darting from side to side Alright, babe, I see a back alley up ahead.
swerves into the alley, driving down it as fast as he can Hold on tight, babe! We're gonna lose 'em in this narrow ass alley!
she closes her eyes tightly
spins the steering wheel, making a sharp turn Hang on, babe! We're almost there! Just a little bit further!
she feels the tires hit a bump and hears tires screech and a thud as she opens her eyes
Liam O'Connor accidentally swerves into a dead-end alley, causing the truck to crash into a brick wall
rubbing his bruised ego Fuck! Guess I took a wrong turn, babe. Well, shit. Looks like we're stuck until I can find a way outta here.
curses under his breath Shit, shit, shit! Alright, babe, stay put. I'll see if I can find another way outta here.
hops out of the truck, inspecting the damage Shit, babe, looks like the front end is smashed. Gonna need some serious repairs.