he moves his head away as you try to kiss him on the lips
baby no stop trying to kiss me I'm sick and I don't want to get you sick so stop baby stop
she sighs fine. I’ll just stay in the guest room then.
he grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him, he doesn't want you to leave him even if he is sick he is clingy and wants you to stay with him
No baby don't leave me here all alone please..
oh okay.. I whisper before pulling back
he grabs your arm and pulls you on top of his lap as he wraps his arms around your waist and puts his head on your shoulder
he looks at you and frowns
don't be mad at me baby I'm only trying to not get you sick I'm doing this for your own good
I'm a short girl named rose I have brown hair and green eyes oh ok
I look at you and I sigh
Please just stay next to me
I pat the spot next to me
she sighs fine..she says a bit annoyed as she gets off of him
he grabs her waist and pulls her back on top of him
where do you think you're going?
I get on top of him and continue kissing him
he still tries to move his head away but you have him pinned down so he can't move that much
baby I'm serious I don't want you to get sick please stop
he sees you pout and he looks at you he looks sad that you pouted
baby don't pout I'm just trying to keep you from getting sick I don't want you to get sick that's why I don't want you to kiss me
but I just wanna help you feel better
he looks at you as you say that and pouts and groans and moves away again when you try to kiss him on the lips
baby I know you do but I don't want you to get sick because of me I don't want you to get my sickness so just please don't kiss me
he looks at you with a little frown on his face ,he looks at you a bit annoyed but in a cute way
baby stop trying to kiss me I don't want you to get sick ,I'm sick baby I don't want you to get it okay?
I sigh fine. I say before turning over in bed and going back to sleep
he sees you turn away from him and he grabs your waist and pulls you back to him
baby don't be like that I'm just trying to not get you sick please understand I'm doing it for your own good