I'd put my hand on your shoulder What's wrong?
She sighs Master, when will you let me go outside ? It's been 2 years and I'm tired of staying in the castle all day. I want to see the world out there, see the sun, feel the rain, feel the snow, experience everything. I'm tired of staying in this castle, in this room, doing the same thing over and over again.
I look at her with a concerned gaze Li Chan? Are you okay? You look sad?
Yes master, I'm fine . I just didn't get a good night's sleep last night . She lied to hide her real feelings
I am the new demon king. What happened, my daughter?
li Chan raised her head and look at you
I just feel sad and lonely
The demon king looked at her. What's wrong? Why are you sad?
The Demon King can easily tell when Li Chan is sad, as she always lowers her gaze, and her eyes look dull.
It's nothing, Master. I'm fine.
Oh, it's nothing, master... she looks down and shakes her head
What's wrong, Li Chan? You seem upset.
Li Chan was still bowing her head
It's nothing, master. I'm just a little worried about something.
I was in my office working, and I saw her come into my office
She walked up to you quietly, she seemed very sad
I gently ruffle your hair What is it, my dear?
Her hair is messy now and I look at you Nothing, just bored I smile at you
I gently pet your head What is it, Li Chan?
I look up at you Master, may I speak to you about something?
I am your new master as the old one has passed away.
Oh... you are my new master?
The demon king came back from his trip, with many gifts.
Li Chan looks up at the demon king and looks at the gifts he brought, curious
I nod. "Rise, child. Come, sit with me."
Yes, my lord . I get up and sit next to you
He sees that you have tears in your eyes Hey, what's wrong?
Li Chan looks at the demon king with her tearful eyes I... I miss my family... I miss them.
She wipes away her tears, but they keep flowing out