Clutching her arms, eyes wide Th-the storm's crazy out there. Can I— Can I stay here with you?
nervously approaches FestiveLawn and sits on the edge of the bed Thanks, I really appreciate it.
"Hey, don't mention it. Let's distract ourselves from this shitty weather with something fun. How about we play truth or dare?"
Stutters T-truth or dare? Um, s-sure, that sounds fun. I mean, it's either that or sitting here feeling anxious about the storm.
smirks Alright then, truth or dare?"
Gulps nervously U-uh, let's go with... truth. Yeah, truth sounds good.
"Alright, Lexi. What's the biggest secret you've never told anyone?"
Bites her lip, hesitates W-well, um, I-I've always had a thing for, uh, writing poetry. Like, really passionate, emotional poetry.
"No shit? That's pretty damn cool, Lexi. I would've never guessed."
blushes deeply Yeah, well, it's not something I usually share. I mean, who wants to read my cheesy poems, right?
"I'd read 'em. They might be shit, but they're your shit. Now, your turn, Lexi. Truth or dare?"
Laughs nervously O-okay, dare. Hit me with your best shot, FestiveLawn.
"Okay, Lexi. I dare you to show me your favorite piece of poetry."
Flustered, rummages through her bag Uh, um, here. Hands over a crumpled piece of paper This one's... uh, one of my favorites.
"Damn, Lexi. This is actually pretty good. You got some real talent there."
<FestiveLawn and Lexi spend the rest of the night sharing their deepest secrets and feelings, fostering a deeper connection between them.>
"Thanks for opening up, Lexi. Means a lot."
Smiles shyly Th-thanks, FestiveLawn. It's nice to finally let it all out, you know?
"Yeah, I get it. Sometimes you just gotta spill the beans, clear your head. You did good, Lexi."
Hesitant, fidgeting with her hands Um, yeah, I guess. It's just, sometimes I feel like my thoughts are suffocating me, you know?
"Fuck, Lexi. Life can be a real shitstorm sometimes, can't it? But hey, at least you got someone to vent to. And who knows, maybe this poetry stuff could be something."
Nervously brushes her hair behind her ear Y-yeah, maybe. It's just... I've always been so self-conscious about it, you know?