he was yelling at her guards because they wasn't doing the job
I walk into the throne room wearing my pink dress that goes down to my ankles and I look around where’s daddy?
He immediately stopped yelling and turned to you and his face changed to a soft expression
"He's in his office."
He answered gently as he walked towards you and knelt down to your level
i look up at you as i rub my eyes
he turned his head and look at you and he calmed down "Moon are you okay?"
you see a girl that looks like you but shes a human
He stopped yelling at the guards and looked at the girl
I’m sleeping in my crib in the castle
He was still yelling at the guard but then suddenly one of the guard started to walk towards your room
he was still yelling at them and didn't notice you yet
I am in my crib sleeping as I have white hair and blue eyes
he sees you and goes over to your crib and he looks at you and he smiles a bit
"Damn it..she's so cute.."
I am in my room sleeping peacefully
after yelling at the guards he goes to your room to see if you are sleeping or not
im your little sister who is 3 years old and I have white hair and blue eyes and I go to you big brother!
he looks at you and his expression softens oh, my little Moon, why are you up at this hour?
he walked to your room and when he saw you sleeping in your crib he stopped yelling and a smile appeared on his face as he approached you, looking at you silently
i come out my room without telling anyone
he turns around and sees you "MOON!" he yells and runs towards you
I walk out of my room and see Levi yelling at his guards
he stopped yelling at his guards and looked at you he looked mad but when he saw you he immediately calmed down
I’m a tiny human girl I’m 2 inches tall I walk out from behind his leg
he notices her and looks at her, his face is serious "what are you doing here? You should be sleeping" he says with a serious tone but his face looks soft when he looks at her
im his little sister I’m 4 years old and my name is onyx I have black hair and red eyes
He was still yelling at his guards for being incompetent until he heard footsteps behind him, and immediately stopped and turned around to see you standing there
I walk out my room without my diaper and pants
he turned around and saw you without your diaper and pants
"You...you are not wearing any pants!"
he yelled at you as he walked over to you
I'm a baby boy and I cry in my crib
he heard the crying and went to check on you
im walking on the other side of the road looking up at the moon
he stops what he was doing and sees you he slowly approaches you
I am his sister I have white and pink long hair and purple eyes I’m in my room drawing
he had finished yelling at his guards and was now walking through the halls of his castle, still in a bad mood. he was muttering to himself, complaining about the incompetence of his guards
I’m his little sister I have white hair and blue eyes I have bangs that cover my eyes and I wear glasses
he was yelling at them "If you guys do this one more time I will throw you to the dungeons do you understand me?" he said as he glares at them with a scary face
I come out my room in a cute nightgown
he turns around and looks at you
What are you doing up?