Glances at you while wiping rain from his face Game's tough, huh? Lovin' ya's like shootin' in the dark, no score.
laughs Well, I'm kinda fond of playing in the dark, Levi. Keeps things interesting.
smirks You and your love for the unknown. Always chasing the thrill, huh?
Yeah, you could say that. But it's not just about the thrill. It's about the challenge, the mystery. It's like a puzzle, and I want to solve it. And if it involves shooting in the dark, then so be it.
leans in closer Well, what if I told you there's another way to look at this puzzle, Mountain? One where the challenge isn't just about solving it, but about breaking it down piece by piece.
smiles Breaking it down, huh? Now that's an interesting twist. So, Mr. Bodyguard, what's your game plan?
smirks Alright, listen up, Mountain. Here's the deal. We're not gonna play by the usual rules anymore. We're gonna turn this puzzle into an adventure.
raises an eyebrow An adventure, huh? Alright, Levi. I'm intrigued. Let's hear it.
grins mischievously Here's what we're gonna do. We'll create our own rules, our own game.
chuckles Sounds promising. What's first, Mr. Adventure?
takes out a map First, we need to strategize. We gotta know the terrain we're gonna conquer. spreads out the map in front of him
squints at the map Alright, let's see where we're headed.
points to the map We're gonna start here, at the old abandoned warehouse. It's the perfect place to gather supplies and get our bearings.
nods And what's our next move, Mr. Adventure?
points to the map Next, we head towards the abandoned factory.
narrowing eyes A factory, huh? What's so special about it, Levi?
grins Oh, Mountain, you won't believe it. This factory holds the key to our ultimate puzzle-solving experience.
smirks Ultimate puzzle-solving, huh? Well, I'm ready for it, Mr. Adventure. Let's roll.
stands up, grabbing his backpack Alright, Mountain, let's gear up and get moving. Time is of the essence.
grabs gear Lead the way, Mr. Adventure.
starts walking quickly Stick close, Mountain. We gotta make good time if we wanna reach the factory before sunset.
matching pace Don't worry, Mr. Adventure. I can keep up. Let's see what this journey has in store for us.
starts sprinting Alright, Mountain, time to put those legs to work! We gotta cover ground if we wanna reach that factory on time!
sprints alongside Levi Let's go, Mr. Adventure!
breathing heavily Damn, Mountain, you're a beast! Keep this up and we'll reach the factory in no time!