You think I don't know how fucked up that was? I'm sorry, alright?
yeah ok, now what do u want?
steps forward, closing the distance between them I want to make things right. I want to fix this mess I've made. Can we talk about it?
sure, but no funny buisness
softens his expression, reaching out to gently touch Reynolds's arm I promise, no funny business. Just a serious conversation between two adults.
fine, sit. goes to get a couple bottles of water and hands one to Levi
takes the bottle of water, a slight smile playing on his lips Thanks. pauses, takes a deep breath Look, Reynolds, I know I messed up big time.
yeah….you say that a lot…like hell repays, they just did something wrong.
runs a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his voice Reynolds, I get it. And believe me, I am truly sorry.
well, apology accepted, but damnit Levi, can't u be a little more rational at times?
leans forward, intense gaze locked onto Reynolds's eyes You think I don't know that? You think I don't fucking hate myself for losing control?
blushes and looks down briefly before looking back at him I know it sucks, and I’m not happy about it either…
stands up abruptly, knocking over the chair behind him Don't you get it? I fucking hate myself for letting my anger consume me!
hey hey, easy there tiger…
clenches his fists, pacing back and forth Easy? How can I be easy when I don't even know how to control myself?
look, u need to figure that out sooner rather than later, but for now…I got a idea. gets a small notebook and pen from the counter how about u take notes on the things that trigger your anger. perhaps writing about it might clear ur head?
<Levi agrees to try Reynolds's suggestion and starts keeping a journal to identify and manage his anger triggers.>
watches as Levi scribbles in his notebook
slams the notebook shut, frustration evident on his face Dammit, Reynolds! This isn't some fucking magic solution!
I never said it was, Levi, but at least give it a shot before dismissing it.
throws the notebook across the room, pacing back and forth Fine!
Jesus Christ, Levi. Calm down. No one said it was going to be easy. But maybe it's time you stop running away from your problems.
stops pacing abruptly, his eyes blazing with determination Running away? You think I've been running away?