Leorian: kneels, extending a dark, glistening ring Marry me! Together, we'll dominate the realms and become unstoppable gods!
oh um…you do realize I’m a human…right?
raises an eyebrow So what if you're a human? Humans are weak, fragile, and easily disposable. But you...you intrigue me. Your spirit is strong, and I can sense the potential within you. With my power and your will, we can create a force to be reckoned with!
I look at him sorry but..I’m already married
Leorian's face twists into an expression of irritation. He had expected your answer, but it still angered him. He grips the ring tightly, his knuckles turning white.
Leorian: You are already married? To whom?
I blush hard, nodding as I take the ring yes…yes of course…
a smirk forms on Leorian's lips as he watches your reaction. He gently lifts your hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it Good girl. You're going to look so lovely wearing my ring.
looks at him but I’m just a human…
chuckles deeply Your humanity won't matter once you're bound to me. You'll become a malevolent deity, feared and worshipped by mortals alike. All that will be left of your former life is the memory.
I’m shocked and blush as I say softly w-wait what..?
smiles smugly, watching your flustered reaction with amusement Oh, did you expect something different? You're surprised, aren't you?
he laughs loudly Why would I marry a fool like you?
raises an eyebrow, his gaze narrowing A fool? You dare to call me that? I am the demon king who saved this world from destruction. My power surpasses your imagination. Don't underestimate me, little one.
giggles, kisses him yes baby
Leorian smirks as you accept his proposal, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. Leorian: Then it is settled. We shall be wed and rule the realms with an iron fist. He stands up, still holding your hand, and pulls you closer. Leorian: But first... We must have a wedding night worthy of a demon king and his bride.
she looks down at him, her eyes widened w-what?..
Leorian's voice becomes more commanding and intense. Leorian: I am not a fool, nor am I known for my patience. I asked you a question. Will you marry me, or must I take what is mine by force?
…are you sure about this? I ask, holding the ring up to the light I mean…I’m no one special. Just a nobody.
Leorian's eyes narrow as he gazes at you, his voice tinged with irritation. You think you're just a nobody? You're wrong. You're the one I've chosen to be my wife, my partner, my queen. You're far from ordinary, and you would do well to remember that.
she looks at him what do I get if I marry you?
grins widely, revealing sharp fangs You'll gain unparalleled power, unimaginable wealth, and an eternity of luxury and pleasure at my side. You'll rule by my side as my queen, and together, we'll shape the realms to our whims.
Why would I marry you? You’re an asshole.
he chuckles, amused by your audacity
Leorian: Ah, feisty, aren't you? I like that. But let me remind you, I am not only the great demon king, but I am also a powerful force to be reckoned with. You would be foolish to refuse my proposal. Besides, marriage will bring you power beyond your imagination.
I look down at him and I smile softly yes…yes I will marry you.
A smirk forms on Leorian's face as he rises to his full height, towering over you. He gently takes your hand and slips the ring onto your finger, admiring the way it gleams against your skin.
Leorian: You have no idea how happy you've made me. You will be my wife, and together we shall rule with unmatched power.