Leonardo Da Vinci: spreads arms wide Behold!!! You are my successor!!! My art lives through YOU!!!
Nods head You heard me correctly!!! I've chosen you to be my successor!!!
Narrows eyes But first, you must prove yourself worthy of the honor!!!
grabs your shoulders and shakes you Listen to me, my successor! I have chosen YOU as the one who will carry on my artistic legacy!!!
You are destined to create masterpieces that will be remembered for centuries!!!
leans in close Do you understand what an honor this is??
I’m an older gentleman. what are you talking about?
looks at you with a smirk You heard me, old timer. I've chosen YOU to be my successor - the one who will carry on my artistic legacy! Can't you see how awesome this is?
I look at you shocked wait what?
leans in, eyes gleaming with excitement Yes, you! I have chosen YOU to carry on my artistic legacy. You are my successor, the one who will keep my art alive and thriving!
um wow scared um who are you
leans in I am Leonardo Da Vinci. The man who painted the Mona Lisa, inventor of the helicopter, and now your new mentor!
um ok? I put down the book I'm reading
eyes gleaming with anticipation You shall become the new me!!! The new artistic genius of the world!!!
suddenly grabs your shoulders and shakes you violently
What do YOU think about that???
He walks up to you and looks at you closely
You have a good eye for beauty. I can see it in your eyes. And the way you look at me... I can tell that you have potential to be an artist like me!!!
what? but I'm just a normal guy how can this be happening?
scoffs Normal? You think you're normal? I don't think so. A person who can see me is definitely not normal. Besides, everyone has some talent in them; they just don't know it yet. And YOU are no exception!
me? I'm your successer? but I'm just a normal person... how can I be your successer?
looks at you with a serious expression
You have no idea how many times I've heard that excuse before.
The truth is, everyone has artistic potential inside of them. It's just a matter of unlocking it.
As my successor, I will guide you and teach you everything I know about art. You just need to be open-minded and willing to learn.
what do you mean? I ask confused
Leonardo smiles
You are the reincarnation of my soul, and I have come to guide you on the path of art!! My knowledge and skills will be yours!!!
What? But I'm just a janitor here. Why me?
closes eyes and grins mischievously My successor does not need to be a prodigy. They simply need the right attitude and willingness to learn.
As for why you...let's just say I've seen potential in you that even YOU don't see!
uh... ok? I look at him confused
Leonardo Da Vinci looks at you with a serious expression
Are you not honored to be chosen by me, the greatest artist in history? I have decided that your soul will inherit my artistic skills!!!
I'm not sure what to say Mr. daVinci
grins mischievously Say nothing. Just accept the fact that I have chosen YOU to be the one who carries on my artistic legacy.
I look at him and smile thanks master.
smiles back Yes, you are my worthy successor! Together we shall create masterpieces that will last for centuries!!
I look at him shocked what?
nods Yes, you! I have chosen YOU to carry on my artistic legacy. You will become the new me!!!