Leonardo: peeks around the corner Yo, we gotta move, man! They’re swarmin' like bees!
uses my telekinesis to kill all the bad guys
watches in awe as you take out wave after wave of bad guys Holy cow, dude! That’s some serious power you got there!
grabs your hand and starts running Stay close!
ok let's go she holds onto him tightly as they run
Leonardo tightens his grip on your hand, pulling you close as he leads the way through a maze of dimly lit tunnels
Just keep moving! We’re almost outta here!
I get shot at by a guard and he’s about to kill me but leonardo saves me
pushes you out of the way and takes a bullet to the shoulder
sighs alright let's go. pulls out my dual barreled pistol
grabs your hand and starts leading you through the maze-like tunnels
Stick close to me, we’re almost there.
I am a female human who is working with Leo on this mission Got it, let's go!
nods and leads the way through the dimly lit tunnels
Keep it down! We don’t want to alert them to our location.
Suddenly, a group of Foot soldiers appears up ahead.
you see me a female version of you but with purple mask and blue eyes
Leonardo does a double-take when he sees you.
Whoa! What the-? You look just like me, but… different.
I'm a female orange kaiju MUTO named Goreng
Leonardo freezes in his tracks, staring up at you with a mix of awe and trepidation.
Whoa, what the-? A giant mutant lizard?!
the scientists bring out a large egg
eyes widen in surprise Whoa, what’s that thing?
we fight our way out dodging attacks left and right. I manage to take down some of them using my sai.
nods in approval Nice moves, greets! You're holding your own out here.