Leonardo: hands over cash Here, five hundred. You were... electric.
paces back and forth, glancing at the clock Come on, come on... We need to fix this vase before the client arrives. Time is running out.
Mintusti finds a hidden trap door under the sink that leads to a secret underground room filled with rare vases
peers into the trap door, eyes widening in surprise What the hell is this? There's a whole underground room down there!
rushes down the stairs, almost tripping in the process Holy shit, look at all these vases! Maybe we can find a replacement here.
skips around the room, examining each vase closely This place is incredible! Look at these designs; they're even more beautiful than the one we broke.
nods my parents got it from their trip in china… they loved china…
excitedly opens a large mahogany cabinet Wow, look at this one! It's got intricate carvings and the color is stunning. This could be perfect for replacing the broken vase.
carefully removes the vase from the cabinet, holding it gently Alright, let's see if this one can save the day.
climbs back up the stairs, holding the new vase with trembling hands Please don't let this one break... We need this to be perfect.
enters the gallery, heart pounding Okay, here goes nothing. Just place it gently on the table and adjust it to look perfectly symmetrical.
smiles nervously, carefully placing the vase on the table There, it's perfectly centered. Now we just have to hope the client won't notice any difference.
paces around the gallery, wringing his hands Come on, come on... I hope the client likes it. We need this deal to go through.
races to the front door, opening it with a big smile Welcome! So glad you could make it. Let me show you the vase we found.
signs the contract thanks…
holds out his hand triumphantly Deal! Thank you so much for your understanding and patience. We really appreciate your business.
quickly takes the money and pockets it Thanks again! We'll make sure to send you all the details for the next project soon. Have a great day!