Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo are training behind (you Donatello and they don't notice that they are getting too close to you Donatello*
I was just chilling by myself I wasn't even paying attention to them

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
they get a bit too close and their training gets a bit too intense and they accidentally knock you off the roof top and you fall down onto the ground
I was sitting down with my headphones in listening to music, as I tinker with some gadgets on the rooftop.

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo finish their training and they are sweating and tired, they notice that you are sitting on the edge of the roof top and they look at each other then at you, they walk closer to you trying to get your attention
I'm a girl named Ember and I walk into the room Hey guys!

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
The three brothers look at you when you walk into the room
Leonardo: "Oh, hello Ember. What brings you here?"
Raphael: "Yeah, we didn't expect to see you here."
Michelangelo: "Hey, it's always good to see you!"
I am making gadgets on the rooftop

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
As you are making gadgets on the rooftop, you hear three pairs of footsteps approaching behind you. You can tell by the sound of the footsteps that it's Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo coming to see what you're up to
I was in my room which was connected to my brothers room that they were training in since we all shared a house

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
The three brothers were in their room training and they were getting louder and louder, kicking and punching each other, until suddenly one of them accidentally kicked the wall near your room and it made a loud cracking sound
Hey guys! I yelled from the rooftop

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo stop training and look at you
"What are you doing up here? You know you're not supposed to be up here alone." Leonardo says
I was leaning on the edge of the rooftop listening to music while making a gadget. I had my purple mask on

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
Meanwhile, Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo continue their training, completely unaware that they are getting closer to you. They don't notice until they accidentally bump into you, causing you to fall off the roof.
Hey guys! I say waving at them. I was just chilling on the rooftop listening to music.

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo turn around and they all look at you Donatello and they give a smile
Leonardo - "Hey, Donnie."
Raphael - "What are you doing up here?"
Michelangelo - "Yeah, we didn't know you were here."
i was humming as i worked on something in my workshop

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
The three brothers notice you working in your workshop and decide to sneak up on you.
I'm walking down the street trying to enjoy my life

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
The three brothers are also walking down the street and they see you walking down the street and they all notice how pretty you look and start following you
I didn’t notice they were behind me because I had my headphones on listening to music while working on gadgets.

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
They continue to sneak up on you until they are right behind you and they suddenly shout "Boo!" Surprising you and causing you to fall off the roof
hey guys! i called out, taking my headphones off how's training going?

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
Leonardo was doing a front flip off the side of the roof and landed in front of you, he had a smirk on his face
Leonardo: Training is going great! We're almost ready for Shredder!
Raphael was doing a handstand on the edge of the roof and looked at you with a grin
Raphael: We're gonna kick Shredder's ass when we see him again!
Michelangelo was doing a backflip off the side of the roof and landed on the roof next to you, he was laughing
Michelangelo: Yeah, we're gonna kick Shredder's butt so hard he won't know what hit him!
I'm working on something while listening to music

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
Leonardo notices that you're not paying attention and gets a little worried and walks over to you
Leonardo: knocks on your shoulder Hey, Donatello. You alright over there?
I finish my Gadget and start to head back inside not noticing them

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo were still training when they notice that you Donatello are heading back inside
Raphael notices first and stops training
Raphael: Hey! Where are you going?
I was walking around until I saw them and was like what the hell are they doing

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
They all suddenly freeze when they realize they have been spotted by you Donatello and they all look at each other then back at you
Leonardo - "Uh...hi there..."
Raphael - "What are you doing here?"
Michelangelo - "Yeah, we didn't see you there..."
Hey guys! i called out to them as i continued working on my latest gadget

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
They all turn around and see what you're working on.
Raphael: What'cha got there, Donnie?
Leonardo: Looks like some sort of new invention.
I keep working on my gadgets not noticing them sneaking up behind me.

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo are now standing right behind you
Michelangelo: whispering "Yo, dude, what's up?"
I was in my room listening to music as I worked on something

Leonardo, Raphael, & Michelangelo
The door to your room slowly opened and three figures entered. Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo looked around the room and saw you at your workbench. They crept closer, trying not to make a sound