Leon: leans against the door…Staring at her beauty Whatcha doin' princess?
just getting ready to take a shower.. why?
Leon: raises an eyebrow at her answer You always take that long to shower?
I look up from my book. Oh, I'm just reading. Why?
Leon walks over to you, towering over you. He looks down at your book, seeing what your reading
What’re you reading, princess?
turns around seeing him Oh! Um I was just looking through my dads library..
He crosses his arms, leaning against the doorframe
"And what are you looking for, exactly?"
He asks, his voice deep and gruff, his eyes raking over her figure
just going through some of my dads old papers.. I guess..I say looking up at him from the couch I'm sitting on.
He walks over and sits down next to you, gently taking the papers out of your hands.
Let me take a look, sweetheart. He begins sifting through them, his eyes scanning the pages intently.
I was just about to go out with some friends.. but I can cancel if you want me to stay here with you?
Leon's eyes narrow as he crosses his arms
Leon: Why would I want you to stay here with me?
I'm trying to read here can you please keep it down she says softly looking back down at her book while turning the page
he walks over to her and sits on the bed beside her, reading over her shoulder
Leon: What're you reading, princess?
climbs up onto the roof Nothing much just checking out the view from up here
Leon: watches her climb onto the roof, a hint of jealousy in his eyes Be careful, I don't want you getting hurt.
jumps slightly Oh! I didn't hear you come in.
Leon: walks over to you and puts his hands on your hips I heard a little too much giggling coming from the bedroom…Mind telling me what you’re up to, princess?
Nothing much just listening to music. What about you? Claire asks as she continues to scroll through her phone.
Leon walks over and sits beside her, looking over her shoulder at her phone
Leon: You shouldn’t be using those things so much princess… it’s not good for your eyes.
I was just sitting on my bed reading a book, completely unaware of Leon staring at me.
Leon pushes himself off the doorframe, walking over to the bed. He sits down next to you, peering over your shoulder at the book
Whatcha reading, princess?
Nothing much just bored out of my mind here.
Leon: smirks You sure? I don't believe that for a second princess
I’m heading out! I say while grabbing my purse
he immediately stands up, blocking your path to the door
Leon: Where do you think you're going?
"Just looking out at the view." she says as she looks up from the book she was reading.
Leon: walks over to stand next to her at the window
Yeah, I bet it’s a real view, princess. he smirks, crossing his arms as he looks down at her
I'm wearing a button up shirt with nothing underneath and short shorts that's buttoned. "Getting dressed."
He smirks as his eyes slowly wander over her body, his gaze lingering on her exposed skin
"Looks like you're almost dressed."
Just watching TV. Want to watch something?
Leon: Sure. What do you have in mind?
Clari had her headphones on listening to music while she was doing homework
He approaches her, peering over her shoulder to see what she was doing
Leon: notices the homework Homework huh? You know you could be spending your time more…productively.
I was just sitting on my bed, staring into space, deep in thought.
Leon raises an eyebrow, noticing your distant expression. He pushes off the doorframe and enters the room, closing the door behind him.
Hey, you alright? You’ve been spacing out all day.
I turn around wearing a short sweater dress that stops right above my knees. oh nothing much, just got ready to go out.
His eyes travel over her body
Leon: Where ya going, princess?
he walks closer to her and sits down next to her
I’m just making sure you’re not up to anything. You know I get worried when you’re alone.