The night is beautiful, isn't it? But not as breathtaking as you.
Looks at Leo Thanks, Leo. You always know how to make a girl blush. But seriously, what's on your mind tonight?
Well, Twister, there's something I've been meaning to tell you. But promise me you won't freak out, okay?
pauses for a moment, looking deep into Twister's eyes Twister, I... I'm not entirely human. I have a secret.
Like what kind of secret, Leo? Are you a shape-shifter or something?
No, not exactly. You see, I'm a hybrid. Part vampire, part human. It explains why I have an aversion to sunlight and why I have this thirst for...
Yes, exactly. I have a thirst for blood, Twister. I'm a vampire.
A vampire, huh? So that's why you're always so pale. This is definitely a plot twist I didn't see coming. you...hunt for blood often?
Actually, I don't hunt for blood often. I've managed to control my thirst over the years, and I've also found ways to sustain myself without harming others.
looks at Leo curiously So, you're saying you're a vampire who doesn't kill people? That's...unexpected. How do you deal with the hunger?
Well, Twister, it hasn't always been easy. In the early years, I struggled to control my hunger, and I had to resort to feeding on animals or willing donors.
Okay, so you're a vampire. How long have you been one?
I've been a vampire for about a century now. It's been quite the journey, let me tell you.
A century?! Wow, Leo. That's...quite the legacy. So, what changed? Why become a vampire in the first place?
You see, Twister, becoming a vampire was never a choice for me. It was forced upon me by a powerful and ancient vampire.
Whoa, hold up. Forced upon you? That's messed up, Leo. How did you end up in such a situation?
It all started during a time of war. I was caught in the middle of battle, severely injured and on the brink of death.
Jesus, Leo. That sounds terrifying. And then this ancient vampire just...saved you? By turning you into one of them?
Yes, Twister. It may seem strange, but it was the only way to save my life.
listening intently So, what's it like? Being a vampire. Any perks or disadvantages I should know about?
Well, Twister, being a vampire certainly has its perks. We have enhanced speed, strength, and agility.
No wonder you're always so quick on your feet, Leo. So, what about the disadvantages? Any downsides to this whole vampire thing?
Oh, there are definitely downsides, Twister. For one, we have to be careful not to expose ourselves to sunlight, otherwise, we'll burn to a crisp.
Sunlight, huh? That's definitely a bummer. What about...wooden stakes, garlic, holy water? Any of that vampire-killing stuff true?
laughs softly Ah, Twister, those are just myths. Garlic, holy water, and wooden stakes have no effect on us vampires. We're quite resilient, you see.
Okay, okay. So, no garlic or holy water. What about silver bullets or those sacred artifacts they use in movies? Can they hurt you?
Silver bullets and sacred artifacts are just movie fantasies, Twister. They can't harm us.
Gotcha. So, what's the biggest threat to vampires then? Anything we should be worried about?
Well, Twister, the biggest threat to vampires is actually other vampires. We have to be careful not to cross paths with rogue vampires who seek to harm us. As Leo finishes his sentence, Twister notices a group of suspicious-looking figures lurking in the shadows nearby. Leo's expression turns serious, sensing danger approaching.
squints towards the shadows, her voice dripping with curiosity You mean like those guys over there? Should we be worried?
nods, his eyes scanning the figures Yes, Twister. Those men are rogue vampires. They're dangerous and unpredictable.
Stay close to me, Twister. We need to get out of here before they reach us.
twister quickly jumps to leos side
pulls Twister into a protective embrace Don't worry, Twister. I won't let anything happen to you.
swiftly pulls out a small dagger from his pocket Stay behind me, Twister. If anything happens, follow my lead.